Previous posts for this project:
- [AirCare] InTheAir - Project Description
- [AirCare] InTheAir - Week 1: Getting a Launchpad to Blink
- [AirCare] InTheAir - Week 2: Preparing the Beaglebone Black
- [AirCare] InTheAir - Week 3: Fuel Tank Testing
- [AirCare] InTheAir - Week 4: Using the CC3200
- [AirCare] InTheAir - Week 5: openHAB and MQTT
- [AirCare] InTheAir - Week 6: Accessing Fuel Tank's Data
- [AirCare] InTheAir - Week 7: Dust sensor
- [AirCare] InTheAir - Week 8: MSP430FR5969 with Energia14
- [AirCare] InTheAir - Week 11: CC3200, Energia and analogRead()
- [AirCare] InTheAir - Week 12: Automatically starting some things
In the past weeks, I experimented with the GP2Y10 dust sensor from Sharp. Using an Arduino all was well, but I was however running into problems when using it with the CC3200. It's not the only issue I encountered with the CC3200. There was also the fact that the I2C pins of the CC3200 and FuelTank did not match.
I've tried to tackle both issues with a custom BoosterPack (my first!).
To start, I searched for BoosterPack templates. I quickly came across the ones from TI: Build Your Own BoosterPack for TI LaunchPad
The BYOB kit from TI contains a variety of files for different tools: Eagle, Fritzing, ... Very nicely done and easy to find!
Using Eagle, I created a schematic and board. Now, I don't have much experience with Eagle. I did fiddle a bit with it during the Forget Me Not challenge, but never got to making an actual PCB. Fritzing seems to be more up my alley, but anyway ... let's proceed.
I loaded all the required parts in the schematic and started connecting all the dots. There are four parts to this schematic:
- the opamp circuit as suggested by shabaz in Week 11
- the circuit required to hook up the dust sensor
- the launchpad headers
- an optional I2C connection to overcome the mismatch between FuelTank and CC3200
This is the schematic:
For the board, I laid out the components across the available space and let Eagle do the routing. This is the resulting board:
Nothing spectacular, but I'll be more than happy if I manage to get it soldered and working
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