I still have more mechanical packaging to do, but I want to start transitioning over to electronics and software since there are only a few weeks left to complete the project.
I have been setting up the Raspberry Pi to use Google Assistant so the system can access the internet using hands-free voice commands. This is my first exposure to this technology and I am pretty excited to try it out. it works amazingly well, but in many ways still has severe limitations. I still cannot believe how well it recognizes my voice and its speech is excellent.
Here is an example of it in action:
I managed to go down a rat hole when installing the credentials that allow this Pi to use my Google account, but fortunately Glenn bailed me out, otherwise I might still be floundering around with credential origins domains. Thanks Glenn. As you can hear, the response time is pretty reasonable, and the speaker is plenty loud. I was going to add a second speaker for stereo, but not till I sort out the volume.
My circuit boards have also arrived, so I can start building them and getting the servos hooked up to the Voice Hat.
Design Challenge Links:
Project Links:
Blog Glenn 1 - AIY Voice Kit Unboxing
Blog Doug 2 - The Block Diagram and Bill of Materials
Blog Doug 3 - Spice Jar Lift Mechanism
Blog Glenn 2 - Firmware Considerations
Blog Doug 5 - Platter Rotation Mechanism
Blog Doug 6 - 3D Printed Platter Parts
Blog Doug 7 - Main Drive Assembly
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