Here is the new release 0.1 of XXICC. I was very busy with work and family obligations over the last few years so I wasn't able to keep up with XXICC as I would have liked. 0.1 is a major release since it adds n-bit integers (1-32 bits) to GalaxC and GCHD. These changes touched a lot of code and documentation. I've tested what I could, but with this many changes there are bound to be some undetected bugs. Please report any you find in the comments below, especially if they're reproducible.
XXICC (21st Century Co-design) is a not-for-profit research project which attempts to bring digital hardware/software co-design into the 21st Century using an improved programming language and a Reduced Software Complexity philosophy. Its goal is to make it easier and more enjoyable to write and maintain digital hardware and software. XXICC is pronounced "Chicken Coop", so-called because it has so many layers.
For an overview of XXICC, see XXICC: 21st Century Co-design. For details on the GalaxC programming language, XXICC Object Editor, and GalaxC extensions for Hardware Design (GCHD), here are the latest documents and source code:
Release notes for XXICC rev 0.1
Programming in the GalaxC Language rev 0.1: reference and user guide for the GalaxC programming language.
The XXICC Anthology rev 0.1: collection of miscellaneous XXICC topics, including user guides for the XXICC Object Editor, GCHD, Flavia, and IceStorm.
XXICC code release 0.1: source code for XXICC.
XXICC code patches release 0.1: patches for XXICC code release 0.1. Replaces one or more source code files.
XXICC source code listing rev 0.1: source code listing as PDF.
XXICC executable binary for Windows rev 0.1: XXICC executable binary for Microsoft Windows.
GalaxC sample/demo programs rev 0.0r: sample GalaxC programs and GCHD logic libraries, unchanged for 0.1.
GalaxC sample/demo program listings rev 0.0r: PDF listing of the sample GalaxC programs and GCHD examples, unchanged for 0.1.
Installing and Running XXICC rev 0.1 : Document describing how to install and run XXICC, trivial changes for 0.1.
Compiling and Running GalaxC Programs rev 0.0k: Document describing how to compile and run your own GalaxC programs, unchanged for 0.1.
Editable XXICC documentation files rev 0.1: editable XOE files for XXICC documentation.
GCHD examples for IceStorm rev 0.1: these are for generating Lattice iCE40 FPGAs using IceStorm, using either a Lattice iCEstick or Nandland Go Board as the target.
Data files for FlaviaP40 release 0.0r for Papilio One 250K: Data files for the FlaviaP40 implementation of the Free Logic Array, unchanged for 0.1
Data files for FlaviaP60 release 0.0r for Papilio One 500K: Data files for the FlaviaP60 implementation of the Free Logic Array, unchanged for 0.1
Data files for FlaviaPD59 release 0.0r: Data files for the FlaviaPD59 implementation of the Free Logic Array for Papilio DUO, unchanged for 0.1
Data files for FlaviaLP60 release 0.1 for LOGI-Pi : Data files for the FlaviaLP60 implementation of the Free Logic Array for the ValentF(x) LOGI-Pi.
Data files for FlaviaLB60 release 0.1 for LOGI-Bone : Data files for the FlaviaLB60 implementation of the Free Logic Array for the ValentF(x) LOGI-Bone.
Taming the Wild Bitstream (unchanged for 0.1): Supplement to Flavia: the Free Logic Array.
I've tested XXICC 0.1 on GNU/Linux (Ubuntu/Lubuntu on x86 PCs and Raspberry Pi Raspbian). I haven't tested it on ODROID-C1 Ubuntu or BeagleBone Debian, but it should work. I've tested it on Windows 2000 and 7. My main machine is Ubuntu, so the others are more likely to have anomalies. Constructive comments and suggestions are most welcome. I'd especially like to find out how to reproduce some of the bugs that have been eluding me.
The previous version of XXICC is: XXICC (21st Century Co-design) release 0.0r
The earliest versions of XXICC are at Google Code:
XXICC is a FLOSS (Free as in Liberty Open Source Software) project. Software is licensed under GPLv3 and other content is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 3.0.
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