Title: Wearable Tracking Device for Miners
By: sunnyiut
Design Challenge: Safe and Sound Wearables
Blog number: 12
This blog is a short update on interfacing three Sensors of the Boosterpack together.
According to my project proposal I have to design a wearable device mounted on the wrist of the Miners.
This wearable device consists of several sensors to collect environmental information.
sensors -
- OPT3001 : ambient light measurement
- BME280 :
- ambient temperature,
- relative humidity,
- atmospheric pressure
- TMP007: contact-less [infrared] temperature measurement
I have already posted blogs on interfacing each sensor with MSP432P401r separately.
In this blog, all these three sensors are integrated in the firmware.
- Sensors Boosterpack
- MSP432 Launchpad
- TFT Proto
MikroC pro for ARM - from MikroElektronika
Full source code and circuit diagram can be found in LIBSTOCK.