Whoo-hoo! Halloween! Lots of littles in costumes thrilled at the prospect of free candy. It's magical. And then there's COVID. Boo COVID. Bad pandemic. Bad! So being the responsibl...
My Halloween themed arcade machine was a huge hit on the night, both small children and middle aged men squealed with delight when they first caught sight of it. If you are looking at it and thinking that this was a difficult build and that you...
Here is the daylight demo of the completed project. The fingers of the glove on my right hand control each of the spider legs. In my left hand I have a set of switches to select sound effects and to raise or lower the spider in its gantry...
For halloween this year, I made two pairs of robotic DEAL WITH IT glasses. It uses a continuous micro servo on a 3D-printed linear actuator mount that I designed.I documented the whole project here, in a new channel called I WANT TO MAKE: www.yo...
I have been having a devil of a time trying to design and build an animated head for my animated crab chassis. My CAD software refused to make stl files of some of the parts, my slicer refused to properly slice some of the parts into a 3D print file,...
Built using some scrap acrylic, blue book-covering, a scrap outdoor gas heater from the neighbour's throw-out, 2 range hood exhaust fan units from the junk pile of the local kitchen renovation business, some thrown out plumbing tubing from the junk p...
In most good horror movies there is a mad scientist (or mad engineer?) who needs to turn on his equipment for bringing a monster to life or other such thing. Typically there are big sparks as the switch makes contact as it does not have suitable supp...
For the past few years I have been building Animatronics controller boards for a client that builds really cool skulls (https://www.halloweenskulls.com/ ). This client had posted a job, to replace an existing controller board with a lower cost ...
The Scaredy Ghost is designed to be scared by the spooky trick or treaters. The arms are open to look like a normal ghost. When the scary trick or treater gets close, the ghost covers it's eyes because it is scared. It uses a PIR se...
www.youtube.com/watch The robot helmet/mask is made of common parts found at a hardware store....a cheap grinder faceshield, a bucket, and cardboard. The electronic parts are hobby store type parts,: an Arduino Nano, WS2812 strips, a LipO ...
current revision videohttps://youtu.be/t-4IWkrXu9Ewww.youtube.com/watch Protect the Universe with an Arduino Nano, qty 84 WS2812 NeoPixel LEDs, a DFPlayer module, and recycled household junk.The repulsor is powered with an 800mAHr LiPO bat...
Inspired by the Indian Jones film "The Temple of Doom", I teamed up with "The Kuriologist" to make a skull bowl with jewelled eyes.The electronics are pretty simple. The "brain" is an Adafruit Gemma, some LEDs and a piec...
www.youtube.com/watch This project took me a few weeks to complete mostly because of the minor learning curve for the IR transmitter and receiver on an Arduino. I used three IR sensors to track where a object was and then turned the two micro se...
I created this dark ride for my son's halloween party and is based his ideas and ideas from other places on the internet. It utilizes multiple Arduinos to trigger jump props including car horn/lights. The track is made from 1/4" OSB plywo...
Hello,i want to take part to the challenge also with this video showing a pumpkin singing hologram.To make it i have used an iphone to record a small part of the video from youtube and converted in hologram with holapex appchoosing the function to ma...
This project was done in a maker group a few years ago. My daughter & I resurrected it to share it with the wider audience and to develop STEM interests in kids.It contains an IR sensor, 2x LEDs and speaker connected to Arduino. When the sensor d...
For this project I created two 2 cm x 8 cm PC boards each with 6 green LEDs. I drive the LEDs with an Arduino so that the jack o'lantern eyes appear to move.players.brightcove.net/.../index.html
In my project, I convert my face into a glowing menacing ghoul. I use yellow florescent face paint in an air brush to give my face an overall glow. I then use more florescent paint to indicate veins and arteries. I put on a custom ma...
Hello!I want to take part to this Halloween "Party" Challenge yep! With this design i have made of a Raspberry pi B4 Case similar to a Desktop ComputerBlack as Death and red as Vampires suching blood!!!! Remember this is Miles far away from...
A few months ago, I 3D modeled my face from scratch in ZBrush. I then made it into a shell and added thickness. After three failed attempts, I was able to print it out on my Prusa Mk2s and I began painting it. I learned how to airbrush and used Valle...
Not long ago my son decided that he wanted an Arc Reactor for Halloween; something simple to wear and looks awesome -seems I got some homework-. www.youtube.com/watch In the past I've done other versions of this project which let's say I'm ...