Congratulations to amgalbu for Shoe shiner ! You are the Grand Prize Winner of a $400 shopping cart!
Congratulations to robogary for The WRONGCO Hamper Helper – blog 6 (final) – It is ARDUINO ALIVE ! Watch it work….Design details included , JWx for BBIPP (Breadboard-borne Improvised Power Profiler) , and colporteur for Raising the Bridge...Automation with Arduino: Design Update ! You are First Place winners of a $200 Shopping Cart!
In honor of Arduino Day this year we had a Crazy Arduino Automation contest by popular demand from our members. For this challenge your automation project could be anything from automating the coffee machine in the morning to make coffee at a certain point, room automation, PID controllers, machine automation, line automation, or an automation with the PLC IDE!
We had 5 excellent projects and they could have all been winners. Special thanks to our community judges shabaz and DAB for helping to decide the winners!
The Grand Prize Winner:
When you're going to do gardening you don't want to muddy up your porch! This project addresses this issue and was the unanimous pick for the grand prize!
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First Place Winners:
The WRONGCO Hamper Helper - experiment 1 dirty clothes pile height detection - not so good by robogary
- The WRONGCO Hamper Helper–blog 2-Intro to Optical sensors from a Dummy
- The WRONGCO Hamper Helper – blog 3 – photo "electric eye" detection calibration, and down a COB LED rabbit hole
- The WRONGCO Hamper Helper – blog 4 – photo detection system test with Arduino at the helm
- The WRONGCO Hamper Helper – blog 5 – get a spritz of the aromatic Atomizer, hack a bit, build a bit, and test
- The WRONGCO Hamper Helper – blog 6 (final) – It is ARDUINO ALIVE ! Watch it work….Design details included
If you've ever struggled with knowing when its time to clean the clothes in your laundry hamper than this is the project for you! It will let you know if your laundry is full and it will even give it an aromatic squirt when your laundry get's smelly!
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BBIPP (Breadboard-borne Improvised Power Profiler) by JWx
Ever had to measure power consumption of some device with variable work-cycle? With low consumption when idling and spikes from time to time - every 10 minutes for example? And without dedicated tool-set - like Power Profiler Kit?
This member recently had such situation and wanted to measure power profile of ESP8266 module waking from deep-sleep to read sensor data and publish it, then going to sleep again.
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Raising the Bridge...Automation with Arduino By colporteur
- Raising the Bridge...Automation with Arduino: Pin Count
- Raising the Bridge...Automation with Arduino: Failure reconciliation
- Raising the Bridge...Automation with Arduino: Design Update
- Raising the Bridge...Post Project Review
Failure and reconciliation. When this member was employed in engineering post project reviews it gave them a chance to look at what they did correctly and what they could improve on. In this blog series this member takes you along with them during their automation journey.
In the past, prototyping before production has been a strategy that has given him the most success. In this project, that didn’t happen. The model railroad layout builders assembled the bridge and installed it before considering the requirements.
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Honorable Mention:
This was a great project and probably deserved to also be a winner. We'll be sending some swag to fyaocn for the wonderful work he did with this project!
Machine Vision Deep Learning Automation on Arduino Portenta or MKR 1010 by fyaocn
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