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Project14 | The Birthday Special: A NanoRama Open Arduino Competition!
Submit a Blog in NanoRama or tag your post NanoRamaCH for a Chance to Win!
This special event celebrates the 3rd birthday of Project14 and the 15th birthday of Arduino with an Open Ended Arduino project competition that kicks off the day before Arduino Day on March 21st, 2020. The NanoRama project competition is a follow up to Arduino Day 2020: NanoRama: We're Giving Away Different Nano Boards for Projects that Use Them! We also launched an Arduino Fundamentals: Part I: Quiz where you can test your knowledge (or argue over) your knowledge of Arduino. We will also have a round ups of the last two Arduino project competitions to celebrate Arduino Day in what has turned into an annual tradition.
Arduino Day 2020 Round Ups:
Project14 | The Birthday Special: Open Arduino Projects: Part 1!
Project14 | The Birthday Special: Open Arduino Projects: Part 2!
Project14 | The Birthday Special: Open Arduino Projects: Part 3!
Project14 | The Birthday Special: Open Arduino Projects: Part 4!
Project14 | The Birthday Special: Arduino in IoT in the Cloud Projects!
Project14 | The Birthday Special: Arduino in Robotics Projects!
Project14 | The Birthday Special: Arduino in Programmable Logic Projects!
Project14 | The Birthday Special: Arduino in Remote Monitoring Projects!
Project14 | The Birthday Special: Arduino in Electronic Toy Projects!
Project14 | The Birthday Special: Arduino in RF (Radio Frequency) Projects!
Project14 | The Birthday Special: Arduino in Energy Harvesting Projects!
We're also aware that this is difficult time around the world, the Covid-19 Virus has upended life as we know it.
Your project can also include a Fighting Germs project as suggested in Project14 | Fighting Germs: Win a Thermal Imaging Camera, a Germicidal Lamp, and a Shopping Cart with Matching Charity Donation!
Simply tag your post FightingGermsCH and NanoRamaCH if your Fighting Germs project uses an Arduino.
The Grand Prize
Every Nano Board | Plus a $400 Shopping Cart |
Your Chance to Win a Nano Classic, Nano Every, Nano 33 IoT, Nano BLE, and Nano BLE Sense! | Plus a $400 Shopping Cart to Do Cool Stuff with Your Boards! |
First Place & Finisher Prizes
The Projects:
VidorScout by jomoenginer:
VidorScout - MKR Vidor 4000 Mobile Robot: Intro
VidorScout - MKR Vidor 4000 Mobile Robot: VidorBitstream compile
VidorScout - MKR Vidor 4000 Mobile Robot: Camera QR Code Recognition
VidorScout - MKR Vidor 4000 Mobile Robot: Assembly and Test
VidorScout is an autonomous mobile robot that uses Sensor Fusion which combines camera vision, Time of Flight Sensor data and IR Sensors to identify objects for both avoidance and for object identification. The camera sensor can also be used for QR code identification to identify that an object has been labeled correctly or as a waypoint with autonomous navigation. The Arduino MKR Vidor 4000 Development Board is used to take advantage of the on board SAMD Microcontroller and Intel Cyclone 10 FPGA capabilities. A 5MP OV5647 Camera sensor captures real-time images to be output via the Vidor HDMI port as well as for analysis. A closed Maze is used to demonstrate the functionality of the bot.
Part of the intent of the VidorScout project is to take advantage of the FPGA code that Arduino has provided and modify it for a particular purpose. It is unknown at this time whether this is possible since not all of the released FPGA code has been provided by Arduino for the MKR Vidor 4000, so it will be a matter of working with what is available. However, Arduino recently posted the VidorBitstrem code which has the majority of the FPGA code used in the VidorPeripherials and VidoGraphics examples. To compile the VidorBitstream code, a few steps are required. To edit and synthesis the Intel Cyclone 10 LP code for the Vidor 4000, the Intel Quartus Prime (includes Nios II EDS) software needs to be downloaded an installed. Intel provides a Lite 18.1 version that is free to download and use but is a couple of steps behind the latest release. This includes the Intel Quartus Prime development environment, Nios II Embedded Design Suite, ModelSim Starter Edition and much more.
The VidorScout is a mobile robot that self navigates using Sharp IR sensors and a VL53L0X Time of Flight Distance Sensor When a QR Code is Identified, the bot will stop and a Ref RGB LED on the back of the bot will flash indicating the code was found. The Base of the VidorScout is made of Expanded PVC board that was obtained from a local Tap Plastics store. The Wheels of the VidorScout are Adfruit Thin White TT Wheels and the motors and OSEPP TT Gear Box motors. The Motor Controller used is a Adafruit DRV883 with Dual H-Bridge. The Time of Flgiht sensor is a VL53L0X sensor.
VidorScout | |
"Nice robot with lots of sensors. Good use of FPGA to read the QR codes." - Community Member Judge
"A lot of great work shown here in the development of a highly capable robot." - Community Member Judge
"Good example of a scratch built robot with plenty of information on the build and programming aspects. Finished off with a fully functioning robot in demonstration video." - Community Member Judge
Mini WOPR example like wargames Movie by toolkitman:
Mini WOPR example like WarGames Movie | |
Pseudo random generator with Arduino Vidor MKR4000 by kk99:
Using MKR Vidor 4000 as basic debug architecture | |
"A simple, but complete solution using a FPGA as a custom logic device" - Community Member Judge
Vidor Clock - Powered by FPGA by vimarsh_:
vimarsh_ wanted to do something useful with FPGA as he had Adruino MKR Vidor laying around. The Vidor is still not so beginner friendly but its Graphics Library is still awesome. Also, he had almost forgotten it has WiFi and a microcontroller also. So, he wanted to make something which uses all of the microchips and which can be used on a day-to-day basis. So, the direct thought came was to do something with display because the Vidor has an HDMI (micro) port and also a great library. For the project, he thought of making a digital clock- which shows time in analog format and it will also show the date and other information. This will test out his trigonometry skills as well as it can use the internet. Here's how it works... The Vidor connects to the internet with the help of its WiFi chip (Esp32) and gets the time in the world via NTP Server. Then the time is stored in the RTC of SAMD21 microcontroller. That time is then displayed in analog format with the date on an HDMI monitor. After the day is over it will automatically sync the time with the NTP Server again and hence it will also remain very accurate. The output on Monitor is done by Intel Cyclone FPGA onboard.
VIDOR Clock - Powered by FPGA | |
"The Vidor clock is sure one of the three. The author (by the voice he seems really young) has put a lot of effort showing in detail how it works. The demo is well done and clear how it works. And the idea sounds nice." - Community Member Judge
"Effectively demonstrated the use of the Vidor board to produce an internet synchronised time clock" - Community Member Judge
"Simple project, not the most original but the well structured blog makes it interesting and easy to read from top to bottom. I think this kind of projects/guides are enjoyable for those new to programmable logic devices and programming in general." - Community Member Judge
Using MKR Vidor 4000 as basic debug architecture by daniloo94:
Using MKR Vidor 4000 as basic debug architecture | |
MKR VIDOR 4000 - Programmable Logic Project by aabhas:
MKR VIDOR 4000- Programmable Logic Project | |
MKR VIDOR 4000 Simple DVM by rsc:
MKR VIDOR 4000 Simple DVM | |