Hello e14! If you've joined the Sensing the World Challenge, or maybe you're considering it and looking for more info, here are some very useful resources relating to this platform. If you run across any other helpful resources please drop a link in the comments here, and I'll update the post!
Microsoft's Getting Started Documentation
Install Azure Sphere, by Microsoft
Troubleshooting Installation and Setup, by Microsoft
Blog Series on Azure Sphere, by Workshopshed
Azure Sphere Out of Box Demo and More, by Brian Willess
The Lazy Person's Guide to Azure Sphere
How to Use an Azure Sphere Starter Kit for IoT Security, by Brian Willess
Implementing Direct Methods in Azure Sphere, by Brian Willess
Azure Sphere 19.10 - How does this affect your Starter Kit?
IoT Skills: Learn How To Rapidly Secure Your IoT Design with Azure Sphere
Microsoft Recorded Webinar: Introducing Azure Sphere
Microsoft Recorded Webinar: Unboxing the Azure Sphere
Microsoft Recorded Webinar: The Expanded Azure Sphere Ecosystem
Hackster.io Getting Started Blog, by Evan Rust
Hackster.io Control Relays with the Azure Sphere Dev Kit
Hackster.io Using the Avnet Azure Sphere's Onboard Sensors, by gatoninja236
Using MikroE Click Boards with Microsoft Sphere
Azure Sphere and Mikroe Air Quality Sending to IoT Central
Azure Sphere - Tips to max-out your Starter Kit hardware! (Part 1)
Azure Sphere - Tips to max-out your Starter Kit hardware! (Part 2)
Avnet Azure Sphere Starter-Kit: Advanced Tutorial
Troubleshooting Azure IoT Hub Connection Issues
AVNET Azure Sphere MT3620 Starter Kit - Review (David Murphy)
AVNET Azure Sphere MT3620 Starter Kit - Review (Steve Smythe)
AVNET Azure Sphere MT3620 Starter Kit - Review (Dixon Selvan)
Azure Sphere Starter Kit 3D PDF
And for our Sensing the World Design Challenge, here is the process to use for Phase 1 to connect your device to the contest server: Instructions for Daily Server Sync