The TDC1000-TDC7200EVMTDC1000-TDC7200EVM evaluation module has 4 main parts The TDC1000 analog front-end and a pre-programmed MSP430 microcontroller on the board, a 1MHz Piezo Ceramic sensor that plugs into the board and a GUI client for on your PC.
In this blog I'm explaining how to create the parameter settings files for level measurement and content identification.
Texas instruments runs a very good video that explains how to perform level measurement and how to recognize what liquid is in a container. funwithphysics (the same person that ran the Ultrasonic Sensing Solutions with Texas Instruments webinar here on element14) explains very well how to create a test setup. He also shows how to load the correct attributes into the GUI for each of the applications.
I'll explain here how to download the register files with attribute settings, and how to connect your sensor for each of these applications.
Video by Texas Instruments
The registry files that Matt Minasi uses in his video are available from TI's Ultrasonic Sensing Tool
You navigate to the tool by going to the Ultrasonic Sensing Overview page. Then select the design button.
Adjust the parameters in the designer to your test setup, and download the register file.
There's a known issue with the Webench app at the time of writing this blog: Click on the SMD10T2R111WL link instead of the SMD15T21R111WL link to get a valid register file. |
You can now upload that file to the GUI and start measuring. Happy Testing...