In this post we will add a Pmod COLOR sensor to our robot developed on the AMD-Xilinx Spartan-7 FPGA of the Digilent Arty S7 board. That sensor will allow the robot to detect colors in its vicinity and we will try to make a simple line follower using the sensor. The sensor response is quite slow for its application as a line sensor, but we will try to create a lazy line follower.
This lazy line follower uses the Bot Application Framework that we have prepared for the Digilent Arty S7 based robot.
This post is part 9 of my contribution to the "7 Ways to Leave Your Spartan-6" program, learning about the Xilinx Spartan-7 FPGA on the Digilent Arty S7 50 board.
ArtyBot following the line. The video is sped up. The minimum sensor response is 2.4 ms and it takes time for the robot to figure out where it is.
Bill of materials
If you want to replicate this project you will need:
Product Name | Manufacturer | Datasheet |
Arty S7 50 | Digilent | Buy Now |
TI-RSLK | element14 | Buy Now |
PmodOLED | Digilent | Buy Now |
PmodCOLOR | Digilent | Buy Now |
The Digilent Pmod COLOR (Revision A) is a color sensor module with the ability to sense red, green, blue and clear light.
The onboard AMS TCS3472 integrates an IR blocking filter to accurately determine the color of objects as well as sense ambient light under varying lighting conditions and through attenuating materials.
Reference: Pmod COLOR Reference Manual - Digilent Reference
The Pmod COLOR module comes in a small antistatic plastic envelope with this information:
The Pmod Color utilizes the TCS3472 to detect color in the near vicinity. While communicating with the host board via the I²C protocol using an I²C address of 0x29 the robot can measure color.
A user controlled white LED is also provided to help illuminate the object and improve color determination.
Construction: Attaching and Connecting the Sensor
We connect using 200 mm male female cables with dupont terminations from the JC Pmod connector on the board to the Pmod COLOR module. We place the new Pmod COLOR module below the robot chassis pointing towards the ground.
The Pmod module does not have holes to screw the module to the chassis. We fix it to the chassis with two wires.
Pmod COLOR module below the robot chassis pointing towards the ground.
The module has a very bright LED to improve color detection. We will use this feature for our line follower intent.
The Line Follower Application Program
It's a very simple application that makes extensive use of the Bot Application Framework introduced previously.
The application can be downloaded from the github repository under E14SpartanMigrationProgram/bot/src/line_follower_app.c
GitHub - javagoza/E14SpartanMigrationProgram
Line Follower Application Program flowchart:
Following the Line with One Sensor
If the sensor detects more light than the threshold calibrated at the beginning, it accelerates the right wheel by a factor calculated by the PID controller, turning the robot to the left, towards the line, if it detects less light than the threshold, it accelerates the left wheel turning the robot to the right.
Line Follower Application source code
Go to the github repository for the most up-to-date copy of the code
/************************************************************************/ /* */ /* line_follower_app.c -- simple line follower app for the emubot */ /* This file is part of the Arty S7 Bot Library */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ /* Author: Enrique Albertos */ /************************************************************************/ /* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /************************************************************************/ /* Module Description: */ /* simple line follower app for the emubot uses a PmodCOLOR module */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ /* Revision History: */ /* */ /* 2022/07/16: (EAC) created */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #include "line_follower_app.h" #define MAX(x, y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y)) #define MIN(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y)) typedef struct { COLOR_Data min, max; } CalibrationData; CalibrationData DemoInitCalibrationData(COLOR_Data firstSample); void DemoCalibrate(COLOR_Data newSample, CalibrationData *calib); u16 getThreshold(BotDrivers* botDrivers, int increments); void rotate15degreesLeft(BotDrivers* botDrivers); void searchTheLine(BotDrivers* botDrivers, u16 threshold, int increments); void line_follower_application() { BotDrivers botDrivers; BOT_init(&botDrivers); COLOR_GetID(botDrivers.drivingDriver.colorSensor); int increments = 1; while (1) { OLED_SetCharUpdate(&botDrivers.oled, 1); OLED_ClearBuffer(&botDrivers.oled); OLED_SetCursor(&botDrivers.oled, 0, 0); OLED_PutString(&botDrivers.oled, " BTN1 CALIBRATE"); while (!BUTTONS_DRIVER_button1_pressed(&botDrivers.buttonsDriver)) { } // wait for push button 1 BUTTONS_DRIVER_reset(&botDrivers.buttonsDriver); OLED_ClearBuffer(&botDrivers.oled); OLED_SetCursor(&botDrivers.oled, 0, 0); OLED_PutString(&botDrivers.oled, " CALIBRATING..."); rotate15degreesLeft(&botDrivers); u16 threshold = getThreshold(&botDrivers, increments); OLED_ClearBuffer(&botDrivers.oled); OLED_SetCursor(&botDrivers.oled, 0, 0); OLED_PutString(&botDrivers.oled, " CALIBRATED"); OLED_SetCursor(&botDrivers.oled, 0, 1); OLED_PutString(&botDrivers.oled, "TH: "); OLED_putIntVariable(&botDrivers.oled, threshold); sleep(2); COLOR_SetLED(botDrivers.drivingDriver.colorSensor, 1); usleep(120000); searchTheLine(&botDrivers, threshold, increments); OLED_ClearBuffer(&botDrivers.oled); OLED_SetCursor(&botDrivers.oled, 0, 0); OLED_PutString(&botDrivers.oled, " BTN2 RUN"); while (!BUTTONS_DRIVER_button2_pressed(&botDrivers.buttonsDriver)) { } // wait for button 2 if (!SWITCHES_DRIVER_poll_switch2(&botDrivers.switchesDriver)) { OLED_PutString(&botDrivers.oled, " SW2 TO START "); } while (!SWITCHES_DRIVER_poll_switch2(&botDrivers.switchesDriver)) { } // wait for swicth 2 OLED_ClearBuffer(&botDrivers.oled); OLED_SetCursor(&botDrivers.oled, 0, 0); OLED_PutString(&botDrivers.oled, " RUNNING"); OLED_SetCursor(&botDrivers.oled, 0, 1); OLED_PutString(&botDrivers.oled, " SW2 TO STOP "); COLOR_SetLED(botDrivers.drivingDriver.colorSensor, 1); usleep(12000); LIGHT_PID_CONTROLLER_init(botDrivers.drivingDriver.lightPIDController, BOT_LIGHT_PID_K_PROPORTIONAL, BOT_LIGHT_PID_K_INTEGRAL, BOT_LIGHT_PID_K_DERIVATIVE, .10); while (SWITCHES_DRIVER_poll_switch2(&botDrivers.switchesDriver)) { DRIVING_DRIVER_drive_forward_continuous_light( &botDrivers.drivingDriver, .2, threshold); } DRIVING_DRIVER_delay_until_stop(&botDrivers.drivingDriver); COLOR_SetLED(botDrivers.drivingDriver.colorSensor, 0); } } CalibrationData DemoInitCalibrationData(COLOR_Data firstSample) { CalibrationData calib; calib.min = firstSample; calib.max = firstSample; return calib; } void DemoCalibrate(COLOR_Data newSample, CalibrationData *calib) { if (newSample.c < calib->min.c) calib->min.c = newSample.c; if (newSample.r < calib->min.r) calib->min.r = newSample.r; if (newSample.g < calib->min.g) calib->min.g = newSample.g; if (newSample.b < calib->min.b) calib->min.b = newSample.b; if (newSample.c > calib->max.c) calib->max.c = newSample.c; if (newSample.r > calib->max.r) calib->max.r = newSample.r; if (newSample.g > calib->max.g) calib->max.g = newSample.g; if (newSample.b > calib->max.b) calib->max.b = newSample.b; } void rotate15degreesLeft(BotDrivers* botDrivers) { COLOR_SetLED(botDrivers->drivingDriver.colorSensor, 1); sleep(1); DRIVING_DRIVER_turn_left_degrees(&botDrivers->drivingDriver, 15); } u16 getThreshold(BotDrivers* botDrivers, int increments) { CalibrationData calib; u16 prevLight = DRIVING_DRIVER_light( COLOR_GetData(botDrivers->drivingDriver.colorSensor)); int32_t maxLightDelta = 0; u16 actualLight = 0; u16 thresholdMin = 0; u16 thresholdMax = 0; COLOR_Data data; // go 30 degrees to the right for (int degrees = 0; degrees < 30 / increments; degrees += increments) { DRIVING_DRIVER_turn_right_continuous_degrees(&botDrivers->drivingDriver, increments); usleep(120000); data = COLOR_GetData(botDrivers->drivingDriver.colorSensor); actualLight = DRIVING_DRIVER_light(data); if (abs(actualLight - prevLight) > maxLightDelta) { thresholdMin = MIN(actualLight, prevLight); thresholdMax = MAX(actualLight, prevLight); maxLightDelta = thresholdMax - thresholdMin; } DemoCalibrate(data, &calib); } COLOR_SetLED(botDrivers->drivingDriver.colorSensor, 0); DRIVING_DRIVER_delay_until_stop(&botDrivers->drivingDriver); u16 threshold = thresholdMin + (thresholdMax - thresholdMin) / 8; return threshold; } void searchTheLine(BotDrivers* botDrivers, u16 threshold, int increments) { COLOR_Data data; data = COLOR_GetData(botDrivers->drivingDriver.colorSensor); OLED_SetCharUpdate(&botDrivers->oled, 0); while (DRIVING_DRIVER_light(data) > threshold) { DRIVING_DRIVER_turn_left_continuous_degrees(&botDrivers->drivingDriver, increments); OLED_ClearBuffer(&botDrivers->oled); OLED_SetCursor(&botDrivers->oled, 0, 0); OLED_PutString(&botDrivers->oled, "DAT:"); OLED_putIntVariable(&botDrivers->oled, (int32_t) DRIVING_DRIVER_light(data)); OLED_SetCursor(&botDrivers->oled, 0, 3); OLED_PutString(&botDrivers->oled, "THD:"); OLED_putIntVariable(&botDrivers->oled, (int32_t) threshold); OLED_Update(&botDrivers->oled); usleep(120000); data = COLOR_GetData(botDrivers->drivingDriver.colorSensor); } COLOR_SetLED(botDrivers->drivingDriver.colorSensor, 0); }
Light Difference PID Controller source code
A new PID controller has been added to the library with the goal of minimizing the difference to the established light threshold.
/************************************************************************/ /* */ /* light_pid_control.c PID controller for controlling motor speed */ /* with goal minimizing ligth difference from target */ /************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of the Arty S7 Bot Library */ /* Parts of this Library are based in Arvin Tang's ArtyBot Library */ /************************************************************************/ /* Author: Enrique Albertos */ /************************************************************************/ /* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. */ /************************************************************************/ /* Module Description: */ /* This module implements a PID controller to compute new duty cycles */ /* for the right and left motors with goal of minimizing the light */ /* difference from target to 0 */ /* Assumes that this function gets called at regular time intervals */ /* */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ /* Revision History: */ /* */ /* 2022/07/16: (EAC) created */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #include "light_pid_control.h" /** * void LIGHT_PID_CONTROLLER_init(LightPIDController * controller, * double KProportional, double KIntegral, double KDerivative, * double baseDutyCyclePct) * * Uses a PID controller to compute new duty cycles for motor1 and motor2 * with goal of minimizing light difference from target. Assumes that this * function gets called at regular time intervals. * * @param controller Distance PID controller configuration and state * @param KProportional PID proportional term * @param KIntegral PID Integral term * @param KDerivative PID Derivative term * @param baseDutyCyclePct Base duty cycle percentage */ void LIGHT_PID_CONTROLLER_init(LightPIDController * controller, double KProportional, double KIntegral, double KDerivative, double baseDutyCyclePct) { controller->KProportional = KProportional; controller->KIntegral = KIntegral; controller->KDerivative = KDerivative; controller->baseDutyCyclePct = baseDutyCyclePct; } /** * void LIGHT_PID_CONTROLLER_set_duty_cycle(LightPIDController * controller, * double baseDutyCyclePct) * * Set the new base duty cycle * * @param controller Distance PID controller configuration and state * @param baseDutyCyclePct Base duty cycle percentage 0.4 typical 0.75 for fast speed * If using PMODColor do not exceed .2 for fast */ void LIGHT_PID_CONTROLLER_set_duty_cycle(LightPIDController * controller, double baseDutyCyclePct) { controller->baseDutyCyclePct = baseDutyCyclePct; } /** * void LIGHT_PID_CONTROLLER_get_new_outputs( * LightPIDController * controller, int light_diff, double dutyCyclePct[]) * * Uses a PID controller to compute new duty cycles for the right motor and the left motor * with goal of minimizing light difference to 0 and store them in duty_cycle. * Assumes that this function gets called at regular time intervals * * @param controller Distance PID controller configuration and state * @param light_diff * @param dutyCyclePct returns base duty cycle values (from 0.0 to 1.0) * for right and left motors */ void LIGHT_PID_CONTROLLER_get_new_outputs( LightPIDController * controller, int light_diff, double dutyCyclePct[]) { controller->accumulated_error += light_diff; double correction = controller->KProportional * light_diff + controller->KIntegral * controller->accumulated_error + controller->KDerivative * (light_diff - controller->previous_error); if (correction > 0.0) { dutyCyclePct[0] = controller->baseDutyCyclePct + correction; // dutyCyclePct[1] = controller->baseDutyCyclePct ; } else { dutyCyclePct[0] = controller->baseDutyCyclePct; dutyCyclePct[1] = controller->baseDutyCyclePct - correction; } controller->previous_error = light_diff; // Bound duty cycles between 0 and 1 if (dutyCyclePct[0] < 0.0) { dutyCyclePct[0] = 0.0; } else if (dutyCyclePct[0] > 1.0) { dutyCyclePct[0] = 1.0; } if (dutyCyclePct[1] < 0.0) { dutyCyclePct[1] = 0.0; } else if (dutyCyclePct[1] > 1.0) { dutyCyclePct[1] = 1.0; } } /** * void LIGHT_PID_CONTROLLER_reset_errors(LightPIDController * controller) * * Reset accumulated errors and previous errors to 0 * * @param controller Distance PID controller configuration and state */ void LIGHT_PID_CONTROLLER_reset_errors(LightPIDController * controller) { controller->accumulated_error = 0; controller->previous_error = 0; }
New Driving Driver function source code
void DRIVING_DRIVER_drive_forward_continuous_light(DrivingDriver* driver, double distanceCm, u16 lightTarget);
/** * Drive motors given distance using light control (motors will have * turned about the same amount at the end) * @param driver Driving driver to use with its actual state * @param distanceCm Distance in cm to drive the Bot * @param lightTarget The target light value */ void DRIVING_DRIVER_drive_forward_continuous_light(DrivingDriver* driver, double distanceCm, u16 lightTarget) { DRIVING_DRIVER_set_direction_forward(driver); DRIVING_DRIVER_drive_light(driver, distanceCm, lightTarget); } /** * Returns a value of the sensed light * * @param sample * @return a value of the sensed light */ u16 DRIVING_DRIVER_light(COLOR_Data sample) { return sample.r; } /** * void DRIVING_DRIVER_drive_cm(DrivingDriver* driver, double distance_cm) * * @details Drive motors given distance using light control (motors will have * turned about the same amount at the end) * * @param driver Driving driver to use with its actual state * @param distance_cm Distance in cm to drive the Bot * @param lightTarget The target light value */ void DRIVING_DRIVER_drive_light(DrivingDriver* driver, double distance_cm, u16 lightTarget) { int16_t dist_converted = (int16_t) (distance_cm * driver->distanceCmCorrection); // TODO cm to sensed edges int16_t light_diff = DRIVING_DRIVER_light(COLOR_GetData(driver->colorSensor)) - lightTarget; double duty_cycle[2]; LIGHT_PID_CONTROLLER_get_new_outputs(driver->lightPIDController, light_diff, duty_cycle); int16_t dist_traveled = MOTOR_POSITION_get_distance_traveled( driver->motorPosition); disableMotors(driver); PWM_DRIVER_set_duty_pct(driver->pwmRightMotor, duty_cycle[RIGHT_MOTOR]); PWM_DRIVER_set_duty_pct(driver->pwmLeftMotor, duty_cycle[LEFT_MOTOR]); enableMotors(driver); while (dist_traveled < dist_converted) { usleep(SAMPLE_PER); light_diff = DRIVING_DRIVER_light(COLOR_GetData(driver->colorSensor)) - lightTarget; LIGHT_PID_CONTROLLER_get_new_outputs(driver->lightPIDController, light_diff, duty_cycle); disableMotors(driver); PWM_DRIVER_set_duty_pct(driver->pwmRightMotor, duty_cycle[RIGHT_MOTOR]); PWM_DRIVER_set_duty_pct(driver->pwmLeftMotor, duty_cycle[LEFT_MOTOR]); enableMotors(driver); dist_traveled = MOTOR_POSITION_get_distance_traveled( driver->motorPosition); } driver->previousLightDifference = light_diff; disableMotors(driver); }
FPGA Hardware Design
We just have to add a new Pmod COLOR module from the Digilent library and assign the pmod JC port.
The automatic connection wizard leaves several pins of the JC connector undefined, we define them through the constraints file.
Refer to previous blogs for more information about this design and how to store the bitstream to program the FPGA inside non-volatile flash memory.
New constraints file:
## This file is a general .xdc for the Arty S7-50 Rev. E ## To use it in a project: ## - uncomment the lines corresponding to used pins ## - rename the used ports (in each line, after get_ports) according to the top level signal names in the project ## Clock Signals #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN F14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { CLK12MHZ }]; #IO_L13P_T2_MRCC_15 Sch=uclk #create_clock -add -name sys_clk_pin -period 83.333 -waveform {0 41.667} [get_ports { CLK12MHZ }]; #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R2 IOSTANDARD SSTL135 } [get_ports { CLK100MHZ }]; #IO_L12P_T1_MRCC_34 Sch=ddr3_clk[200] #create_clock -add -name sys_clk_pin -period 10.000 -waveform {0 5.000} [get_ports { CLK100MHZ }]; ## Switches #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN H14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sw[0] }]; #IO_L20N_T3_A19_15 Sch=sw[0] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN H18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sw[1] }]; #IO_L21P_T3_DQS_15 Sch=sw[1] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN G18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sw[2] }]; #IO_L21N_T3_DQS_A18_15 Sch=sw[2] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN M5 IOSTANDARD SSTL135 } [get_ports { sw[3] }]; #IO_L6N_T0_VREF_34 Sch=sw[3] ## RGB LEDs #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN J15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led0_r }]; #IO_L23N_T3_FWE_B_15 Sch=led0_r #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN G17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led0_g }]; #IO_L14N_T2_SRCC_15 Sch=led0_g #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN F15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led0_b }]; #IO_L13N_T2_MRCC_15 Sch=led0_b #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led1_r }]; #IO_L15N_T2_DQS_ADV_B_15 Sch=led1_r #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN F18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led1_g }]; #IO_L16P_T2_A28_15 Sch=led1_g #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led1_b }]; #IO_L15P_T2_DQS_15 Sch=led1_b ## LEDs #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[0] }]; #IO_L16N_T2_A27_15 Sch=led[2] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN F13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[1] }]; #IO_L17P_T2_A26_15 Sch=led[3] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[2] }]; #IO_L17N_T2_A25_15 Sch=led[4] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN H15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[3] }]; #IO_L18P_T2_A24_15 Sch=led[5] ## Buttons #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN G15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { btn[0] }]; #IO_L18N_T2_A23_15 Sch=btn[0] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN K16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { btn[1] }]; #IO_L19P_T3_A22_15 Sch=btn[1] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN J16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { btn[2] }]; #IO_L19N_T3_A21_VREF_15 Sch=btn[2] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN H13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { btn[3] }]; #IO_L20P_T3_A20_15 Sch=btn[3] ## Pmod Header JA #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN L17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja[0] }]; #IO_L4P_T0_D04_14 Sch=ja_p[1] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN L18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja[1] }]; #IO_L4N_T0_D05_14 Sch=ja_n[1] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN M14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja[2] }]; #IO_L5P_T0_D06_14 Sch=ja_p[2] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN N14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja[3] }]; #IO_L5N_T0_D07_14 Sch=ja_n[2] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN M16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja[4] }]; #IO_L7P_T1_D09_14 Sch=ja_p[3] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN M17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja[5] }]; #IO_L7N_T1_D10_14 Sch=ja_n[3] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN M18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja[6] }]; #IO_L8P_T1_D11_14 Sch=ja_p[4] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN N18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja[7] }]; #IO_L8N_T1_D12_14 Sch=ja_n[4] ## Pmod Header JB #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN P17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jb[0] }]; #IO_L9P_T1_DQS_14 Sch=jb_p[1] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN P18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jb[1] }]; #IO_L9N_T1_DQS_D13_14 Sch=jb_n[1] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jb[2] }]; #IO_L10P_T1_D14_14 Sch=jb_p[2] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jb[3] }]; #IO_L10N_T1_D15_14 Sch=jb_n[2] set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN P14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports jb_pin7_io] set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN P15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports jb_pin8_io] set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN N15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports jb_pin9_io] set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN P16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports jb_pin10_io] ## Pmod Header JC #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jc[0] }]; #IO_L18P_T2_A12_D28_14 Sch=jc1/ck_io[41] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jc[1] }]; #IO_L18N_T2_A11_D27_14 Sch=jc2/ck_io[40] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jc[2] }]; #IO_L15P_T2_DQS_RDWR_B_14 Sch=jc3/ck_io[39] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jc[3] }]; #IO_L15N_T2_DQS_DOUT_CSO_B_14 Sch=jc4/ck_io[38] set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jc_pin7_io }]; #IO_L16P_T2_CSI_B_14 Sch=jc7/ck_io[37] set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN P13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jc_pin8_io }]; #IO_L19P_T3_A10_D26_14 Sch=jc8/ck_io[36] set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jc_pin9_io }]; #IO_L19N_T3_A09_D25_VREF_14 Sch=jc9/ck_io[35] set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jc_pin10_io }]; #IO_L20P_T3_A08_D24_14 Sch=jc10/ck_io[34] ## Pmod Header JD #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jd[0] }]; #IO_L20N_T3_A07_D23_14 Sch=jd1/ck_io[33] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U12 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jd[1] }]; #IO_L21P_T3_DQS_14 Sch=jd2/ck_io[32] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jd[2] }]; #IO_L21N_T3_DQS_A06_D22_14 Sch=jd3/ck_io[31] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T12 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jd[3] }]; #IO_L22P_T3_A05_D21_14 Sch=jd4/ck_io[30] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jd[4] }]; #IO_L22N_T3_A04_D20_14 Sch=jd7/ck_io[29] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R11 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jd[5] }]; #IO_L23P_T3_A03_D19_14 Sch=jd8/ck_io[28] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T11 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jd[6] }]; #IO_L23N_T3_A02_D18_14 Sch=jd9/ck_io[27] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U11 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { jd[7] }]; #IO_L24P_T3_A01_D17_14 Sch=jd10/ck_io[26] ## USB-UART Interface #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R12 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { uart_rxd_out }]; #IO_25_14 Sch=uart_rxd_out #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V12 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { uart_txd_in }]; #IO_L24N_T3_A00_D16_14 Sch=uart_txd_in ## ChipKit Outer Digital Header # Right Motor Control set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN L13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports pwm0_0] set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN N13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports {hbridge_control[0]}] set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN L16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports {hbridge_control[1]}] # Left motor Control set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN R14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports pwm0_1] set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN T14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports {hbridge_control[2]}] set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN R16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports {hbridge_control[3]}] set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN R17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports m1_sensor_0] set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN V17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports m2_sensor_0] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io8 }]; #IO_L17P_T2_A14_D30_14 Sch=ck_io[8] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io9 }]; #IO_L17N_T2_A13_D29_14 Sch=ck_io[9] ## ChipKit SPI Header ## NOTE: The ChipKit SPI header ports can also be used as digital I/O and share FPGA pins with ck_io10-13. Do not use both at the same time. #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN H16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io10_ss }]; #IO_L22P_T3_A17_15 Sch=ck_io10_ss #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN H17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io11_mosi }]; #IO_L22N_T3_A16_15 Sch=ck_io11_mosi #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN K14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io12_miso }]; #IO_L23P_T3_FOE_B_15 Sch=ck_io12_miso #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN G16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io13_sck }]; #IO_L14P_T2_SRCC_15 Sch=ck_io13_sck ## ChipKit Inner Digital Header ## Note: these pins are shared with PMOD Headers JC and JD and cannot be used at the same time as the applicable PMOD interface(s) #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U11 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io26 }]; #IO_L24P_T3_A01_D17_14 Sch=jd10/ck_io[26] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T11 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io27 }]; #IO_L23N_T3_A02_D18_14 Sch=jd9/ck_io[27] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R11 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io28 }]; #IO_L23P_T3_A03_D19_14 Sch=jd8/ck_io[28] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io29 }]; #IO_L22N_T3_A04_D20_14 Sch=jd7/ck_io[29] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T12 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io30 }]; #IO_L22P_T3_A05_D21_14 Sch=jd4/ck_io[30] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io31 }]; #IO_L21N_T3_DQS_A06_D22_14 Sch=jd3/ck_io[31] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U12 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io32 }]; #IO_L21P_T3_DQS_14 Sch=jd2/ck_io[32] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io33 }]; #IO_L20N_T3_A07_D23_14 Sch=jd1/ck_io[33] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io34 }]; #IO_L20P_T3_A08_D24_14 Sch=jc10/ck_io[34] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io35 }]; #IO_L19N_T3_A09_D25_VREF_14 Sch=jc9/ck_io[35] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN P13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io36 }]; #IO_L19P_T3_A10_D26_14 Sch=jc8/ck_io[36] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io37 }]; #IO_L16P_T2_CSI_B_14 Sch=jc7/ck_io[37] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io38 }]; #IO_L15N_T2_DQS_DOUT_CSO_B_14 Sch=jc4/ck_io[38] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io39 }]; #IO_L15P_T2_DQS_RDWR_B_14 Sch=jc3/ck_io[39] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io40 }]; #IO_L18N_T2_A11_D27_14 Sch=jc2/ck_io[40] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_io41 }]; #IO_L18P_T2_A12_D28_14 Sch=jc1/ck_io[41] ## Dedicated Analog Inputs #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN J10 } [get_ports { vp_in }]; #IO_L1P_T0_AD4P_35 Sch=v_p #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN K9 } [get_ports { vn_in }]; #IO_L1N_T0_AD4N_35 Sch=v_n ## ChipKit Outer Analog Header - as Single-Ended Analog Inputs ## NOTE: These ports can be used as single-ended analog inputs with voltages from 0-3.3V (ChipKit analog pins A0-A5) or as digital I/O. ## WARNING: Do not use both sets of constraints at the same time! ## NOTE: The following constraints should be used with the XADC IP core when using these ports as analog inputs. #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN B13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vaux0_p }]; #IO_L1P_T0_AD0P_15 Sch=ck_an_p[0] ChipKit pin=A0 #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN A13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vaux0_n }]; #IO_L1N_T0_AD0N_15 Sch=ck_an_n[0] ChipKit pin=A0 #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN B15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vaux1_p }]; #IO_L3P_T0_DQS_AD1P_15 Sch=ck_an_p[1] ChipKit pin=A1 #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN A15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vaux1_n }]; #IO_L3N_T0_DQS_AD1N_15 Sch=ck_an_n[1] ChipKit pin=A1 #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E12 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vaux9_p }]; #IO_L5P_T0_AD9P_15 Sch=ck_an_p[2] ChipKit pin=A2 #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D12 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vaux9_n }]; #IO_L5N_T0_AD9N_15 Sch=ck_an_n[2] ChipKit pin=A2 #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN B17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vaux2_p }]; #IO_L7P_T1_AD2P_15 Sch=ck_an_p[3] ChipKit pin=A3 #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN A17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vaux2_n }]; #IO_L7N_T1_AD2N_15 Sch=ck_an_n[3] ChipKit pin=A3 #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN C17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vaux10_p }]; #IO_L8P_T1_AD10P_15 Sch=ck_an_p[4] ChipKit pin=A4 #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN B18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vaux10_n }]; #IO_L8N_T1_AD10N_15 Sch=ck_an_n[4] ChipKit pin=A4 #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vaux11_p }]; #IO_L10P_T1_AD11P_15 Sch=ck_an_p[5] ChipKit pin=A5 #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vaux11_n }]; #IO_L10N_T1_AD11N_15 Sch=ck_an_n[5] ChipKit pin=A5 ## ChipKit Outer Analog Header - as Digital I/O ## NOTE: The following constraints should be used when using these ports as digital I/O. #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN G13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_a0 }]; #IO_0_15 Sch=ck_a[0] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN B16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_a1 }]; #IO_L4P_T0_15 Sch=ck_a[1] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN A16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_a2 }]; #IO_L4N_T0_15 Sch=ck_a[2] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN C13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_a3 }]; #IO_L6P_T0_15 Sch=ck_a[3] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN C14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_a4 }]; #IO_L6N_T0_VREF_15 Sch=ck_a[4] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_a5 }]; #IO_L11P_T1_SRCC_15 Sch=ck_a[5] ## ChipKit Inner Analog Header - as Differential Analog Inputs ## NOTE: These ports can be used as differential analog inputs with voltages from 0-1.0V (ChipKit analog pins A6-A11) or as digital I/O. ## WARNING: Do not use both sets of constraints at the same time! ## NOTE: The following constraints should be used with the XADC core when using these ports as analog inputs. #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN B14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vaux8_p }]; #IO_L2P_T0_AD8P_15 Sch=ad_p[8] ChipKit pin=A6 #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN A14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vaux8_n }]; #IO_L2N_T0_AD8N_15 Sch=ad_n[8] ChipKit pin=A7 #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vaux3_p }]; #IO_L9P_T1_DQS_AD3P_15 Sch=ad_p[3] ChipKit pin=A8 #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vaux3_n }]; #IO_L9N_T1_DQS_AD3N_15 Sch=ad_n[3] ChipKit pin=A9 ## ChipKit Inner Analog Header - as Digital I/O ## NOTE: The following constraints should be used when using the inner analog header ports as digital I/O. #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN B14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_a6 }]; #IO_L2P_T0_AD8P_15 Sch=ad_p[8] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN A14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_a7 }]; #IO_L2N_T0_AD8N_15 Sch=ad_n[8] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_a8 }]; #IO_L9P_T1_DQS_AD3P_15 Sch=ad_p[3] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_a9 }]; #IO_L9N_T1_DQS_AD3N_15 Sch=ad_n[3] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_a10 }]; #IO_L12P_T1_MRCC_15 Sch=ck_a10_r (Cannot be used as an analog input) #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_a11 }]; #IO_L12N_T1_MRCC_15 Sch=ck_a11_r (Cannot be used as an analog input) ## ChipKit I2C #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN J14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_scl }]; #IO_L24N_T3_RS0_15 Sch=ck_scl #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN J13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_sda }]; #IO_L24P_T3_RS1_15 Sch=ck_sda ## Misc. ChipKit Ports #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN K13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_ioa }]; #IO_25_15 Sch=ck_ioa #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN C18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ck_rst }]; #IO_L11N_T1_SRCC_15 ## Quad SPI Flash ## Note: the SCK clock signal can be driven using the STARTUPE2 primitive #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN M13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { qspi_cs }]; #IO_L6P_T0_FCS_B_14 Sch=qspi_cs #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN K17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { qspi_dq[0] }]; #IO_L1P_T0_D00_MOSI_14 Sch=qspi_dq[0] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN K18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { qspi_dq[1] }]; #IO_L1N_T0_D01_DIN_14 Sch=qspi_dq[1] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN L14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { qspi_dq[2] }]; #IO_L2P_T0_D02_14 Sch=qspi_dq[2] #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN M15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { qspi_dq[3] }]; #IO_L2N_T0_D03_14 Sch=qspi_dq[3] ## Configuration options, can be used for all designs set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.CONFIGRATE 33 [current_design] set_property CONFIG_VOLTAGE 3.3 [current_design] set_property CFGBVS VCCO [current_design] set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.SPI_BUSWIDTH 4 [current_design] set_property CONFIG_MODE SPIx4 [current_design] ## SW3 is assigned to a pin M5 in the 1.35v bank. This pin can also be used as ## the VREF for BANK 34. To ensure that SW3 does not define the reference voltage ## and to be able to use this pin as an ordinary I/O the following property must ## be set to enable an internal VREF for BANK 34. Since a 1.35v supply is being ## used the internal reference is set to half that value (i.e. 0.675v). Note that ## this property must be set even if SW3 is not used in the design. set_property INTERNAL_VREF 0.675 [get_iobanks 34]
Emubot Following the Line
Our robot can already detect colors. We will use this ability in an upcoming educational project with the Emubot.
In this blog we have implemented as an exercise a painful line follower.
We discourage this way of implementing a line follower. It is an interesting exercise to fight with the PID controllers but you're not going to achieve great results.