Following on from the last one First Steps - Intel Edison step 3
After the issues of the previous days, I now have an Intel Edison that seems to be flashed with the latest image, and will talk to my computer.
Arduion IDE
I decided to add the Intel Edison to my latest IDE 1.6.9
It says go to Board Manager and scroll down the list until you find Intel i686
I clicked to install it, and low and behold it wanted to download even more 0's and 1's
About 56k later, and at a slow speed.
In the meantime I looked to see what the Arduino site had for the Intel Edison.
While they say
The Intel Edison can be programmed with this special version of the Arduino software. It's possible to make requests of the Linux kernel with system() calls.
It seems it is included in the latest IDE
Arduino have provided a guide to using it
They suggest connecting both USB cables, and then specify which port to use.
In my case it is COM98 (yes I've had lots of different boards of varying flavours plugged in this machine)
So I hit the upload and it does the compile, writes some stuff and stays with uploading.
It seems this line is the problem.
#mv the downloaded file to /sketch/sketch.elf
echo "Moving downloaded file to /sketch/sketch.elf on target"
"$fixed_path/lsz.exe" --escape -c "mv $target_download_name /sketch/sketch.elf; chmod +x /sketch/sketch.elf" <> $tty_port_id 1>&0
Moving downloaded file to /sketch/sketch.elf on target
C:\Users\Beckettm\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\Intel\tools\sketchUploader\1.6.2+1.0/clupload/ line 56: /dev/ttyS97: Read-only file system
It makes the read-only statement several times, so obviously the Edison isn't happy to receive it.
For anyone that doesn't have this on their windows machine, best you do install it.
You'll need it to talk to RPi in headless mode, and since the Intel Edison is a linux based device, it will be useful here.
It says to check there is space using df -h
In my case there is.
It seems that this problem is not unique to me.
The importance of this thread (although not answered) is that the issue is related to the computer not the module.
However I have a F: drive showing 767Mb free and I can copy a text file onto it.
I can check the F: drive for the file
Strangely though, when I log into the Edison and check /media/storage it's not showing.
Now I'm assumming that this is the right directory.
It is the right size.
I used 'nano' to creat a text file.
I then attempted to copy that to the folder /media/storage
Lo and behold it seems that folder is a read-only.
So next step is to check if it is or that the way Linux presents and the symbolic links aren't creating the issue.
After all Windows can write to something that seems to be the right size.
Searching for answers
After this I decded to consult the internet.
I found a utility called Intel Phone Flash Lite and the people in the www world suggest this is the best way to flash an Edison.
After downloading it, and running it, it wants to relace one driver ... (what is it with these drivers)
It then fires up and asks what image you want to use.
I pointed it at one and it unzips it, then extracts the .json file.
It's a very interesting utility and gives various other information that the previous one didn't.
So I started downloading and it kept failing after a while, with lots of beeping from the computer and driver installs.
I did note it suggested powering it externally, so I went hunting for my trusty Arduino power pack.
Plugging that in flashed the power LED and then went out.
Strange as it normally runs and Arduino just fine.
I tried another and that also sort of flashed and stopped.
It's a sad day when you need to drag out the volt meter.
Plugging in the power pack and measuring across the incoming suggested it was only 4.9v, when it should be 9-12v.
The first thought was the 2.1mm socket centre pin was a different size (you try getting the calipers in), and then that caps may have aged and it was ripple.
Regardless I grabbed a new plug and a different power pack and headed off to work.
After soldering a new plug on, I plugged it in and the light still wouldn't go and there was that burning smell that only electronics can provide.
Photo stolen from Adafruit
A close examination shows a pin hole in the switching regulator, which means external powering won't work.
I'm not sure why or how the regulator died, since they have reverse power protection and all sorts of shut-down.
The good news is that the schematic for the Arduino Breakout board is online.
So I'm stuck at the moment. .... well at least until the order I put in comes to my mailbox.
If it was easy, everyone would do it.
This started as a simple blog, but has now grown over a few posts, so an index is appropriate.
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