My entry for the Internet of Holiday Lights is an electro-mechanical wreath. For those new to the subject: in Belgium, a wreath comes with four candles. Each advent Sunday we lit one of the candles.The last Sunday of advent, all four candles are...
Thanks to Element 14 i got my Arduino Yun today. The first thing i noticed was the power supply. No barrel jack. So it has to be powered through Micro USB. That's fine when connected to a computer. But if you are powering it from wall wart or from ba...
I recently signed up for an electronics "road test" and was grateful to be selected along with 19 other participants to create a holiday lighting project, with help of the following hardware, thanks to Element14, Infineon, and MCM Electronics: A...
15 December 2014, London, Farnell element14 has announced that it will be profiling the ACKme Networks product portfolio of compact, pre-certified, ultra-low power wireless modules for the embedd...
I seem to be a bit behind the curve compared to other testers, my hardware hasn't shown up quite yet (tracking predicts it'll show up today, so maybe I can get it unboxed and plugged together this evening - we shall see). But that doesn't...
Good morning and thank you to all the competitors in the Internet of Holiday Lights RoadTest Plus; we are delighted that the Internet of Things and Holiday decorations are proving to be so well matched.As we did with the Forget Me Not Challenge we ho...
Thanks to Element 14 and the sponsors for the Internet of Holiday Lights contest. While I'm waiting for my components to arrive, I'll lay out my plan. Part 1: Control of lightsI'll be using MQTT to control the lights attached to the A...
Well, since I've to wait for sometime before getting the boards, I decided to test out a few lighting patterns and the corresponding logic needed to run them. I've used 8 leds and a PIC controller to test out my patterns...I'll port the code to the a...
I have been a fan of the audio programming language Chuck ever since i came across it few months ago. Its used by the Laptop Orchestras from the Princeton University and Stanford. For tinkerers like us its a wonderful tool to mix the hardware hacking...
Index of all the blog posts related to the Wifi Interactive Christmas Tree project is here. While waiting for my Arduino Yun to arrive for my WiFi Christmas Tree hardware build, i decided to complete as many software components as possible. I am...
Thanks to Element14 and MCM Electronics, Infineon for Selecting my proposal for my Cool Holiday Lightings...Here is my project idea...My IOT Holiday Lightings… Introduction:In this roadtest I would love to design IOT based color lightings using ...
Greetings Everyone, With Holiday season upon us and in celebration of the Element14 The Internet of Holiday Lights Road TestI thought I would share my experience with using the Arduino Uno R3 in creating a holiday light display as well as adding...
Hi everyone, I was thinking of creating an easier way for users to program their ATmega328p MCU's, so I purchased an Arduino Uno and made an ATmega328p Shield for it. While I keep seeing people popping their MCU's out of their boards, I ...
PreludeThe holidays mean different things to different people. To kids it means gifts, to teens it means time off, to the professional its a time to be away from the stress of daily life, to the mother it means a display of culinary skill and to the ...
As i mentioned in the introduction i am waiting for parts to arrive. Meanwhile i started to set up my MQTT infrastructure. My initial plan was to use the sandboxed MQTT Broker available at at port 1883. Then i decided to explore ...
I am excited to be selected as one of the finalists for the Internet of Holiday Lights RoadTest Plus! Thanks Element14 and doctorcdf!!!I hope to learn and share as many things as possible along the way as i begin my build. As of now i have the follow...
This is my first blog post on Element 14. I have recently completed a small electronics project and wanted to share it with anybody who may wish to make on of their own. But first some background.... What is QLab?Any Mac user with a reason...