It’s during times like these that inspire innovation. In that spirit, the “Fighting Germs” contest is here to not only reward that innovation ─ but also give to other charities for those attempting the same thing! It’s fun, it’s beneficial.&nbs...
IOT connected hospital AIMTo keep doctors and nurses attending to corona victims safe and reduce their workload IDEATo attend to corona patients for even trivial tasks like providing them medicine or checking their temperature, ...
It’s during times like these that inspire innovation. I even made something for the cause! In that spirit, the “Fighting Germs” contest is here to not only reward that innovation ─ but also give to other charities for those attempting the same t...
With a fever being one of the most common symptoms of COVID-19, being able to check someone for a fever could be a very useful first step. It seems that a lot of companies are interested in ways to ensure that their employees are safe w...
In this time of social distancing to prevent the spread of the Covid Virus there is a smartphone app ( that will track if you get too close to other people. I've been playing with time-of-flight sensors which do a...
I have made a robot that I really want to share with You. A robot that I made myself on my own at my home that you can control from wherever you are. the link then all you need to do is click join, then sign up, then...
After seeing some 3D printed masks, I was inspired to make a simple one that could clip onto the brim of a baseball cap. It turned out to be a very lightweight transparent barrier that can prevent spray from reaching your face and prevent you...
This project builds a coronavirus chart for the Pi. There is a 7-minute video to explain it:
Here in the UK, most of the newspaper organisations and journalists (if you can call them that) behave like sycoph...
This is a Handheld Contactless IR Thermal Camera powered by a Raspberry Pi Zero W.
Images are captured by the Adafruit AMG8833AMG8833 IR Thermal Camera Breakout.
This sensor from Panasonic is an 8x8 array of IR thermal sensors.
Has anyone looked into the effects of statically charging someone upon entering a room with a Tesla coil. The weak electrostatic recombinant nature of viral RNA of the virus on the surface of the individual and their clothing could not withstand the ...