this page is meant to provide an overview of all the blog posts I will be submitting over the course of the Forget Me Not Design Challenge for my CaTS (Care and Trending System) project
It will be updated regularly with references to new blog posts. Keep an eye on this page, and you won't miss a post
Blog Posts
This section is all about the blog posts which I have and will be submitting for this challenge.
Project Description
Project Execution
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Week 1: EnOceanPi and Sensors
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Week 2: Elro CoCo and Pi Cam with OpenHAB
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Week 3: Data persistence and charts with OpenHAB
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Week 4: Arduino-OpenHAB communication
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Week 5: Getting familiar with EAGLE
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Week 6: Getting to know the TBS1052B-EDU oscilloscope
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Week 7: First tests with RPiSoC
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Week 7 (2): More testing with RPiSoC
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Week 8: Water dispenser and temperature
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Week 9: RFID Cat detection and identification
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Week 10: Peltier cooling experiment
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Week 11: Starting the build
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Week 11 (2): Continuing the build
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Week 12: Finalising a few things
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Week 12 (2): Finalising even more things
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Final Project Summary
3D Printing
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - 3D Printing: EnOcean sensor bracket
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - 3D Printing: EnOcean rocker switch and magnet holder
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - 3D Printing: Food dispenser prototype
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - 3D Printing: Weighing scale
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Security: Some basic tips
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Minion: Dave, the gassy minion
- [CaTS] ForgetMeNot - Pi Camera: Wide Angle Lens
In this section, I will refer to useful pages/content which have helped me progress with my project.
- Files repository: https://github.com/fvdbosch/ForgetMeNot
Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi Setup Guide by shabaz
- Setting up I2C by Adafruit: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruits-raspberry-pi-lesson-4-gpio-setup/configuring-i2c
- Pi Camera MJPEG streaming with motion: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/665518/Raspberry-Pi-as-low-cost-HD-surveillance-camera
- OpenHAB website: openHAB - empowering the smart home
- Exec binding: https://github.com/openhab/openhab/wiki/Exec-Binding
- Persistence (general): https://github.com/openhab/openhab/wiki/Persistence
- Persistence (MySQL): https://github.com/openhab/openhab/wiki/MySQL-Persistence
- Serial binding: https://github.com/openhab/openhab/wiki/Serial-Binding
- Security: https://github.com/openhab/openhab/wiki/Security
- EnOcean Road Test review by malakaihttp://www.element14.com/community/roadTestReviews/1795
- EnOcean binding for OpenHAB: https://github.com/openhab/openhab/wiki/EnOcean-Binding
3D Printing
- Remote Switch library: https://github.com/jccprj/RemoteSwitch-arduino-library
- TinyWireS library: http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/USIi2c
- SerialEvent: Arduino - SerialEvent
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