Electronics & Design Projects

Project competitions where you decide the theme! Multiple chances to win prizes to use in your next project!

Be Original
Stick to the Theme
  • Come up with a clever name that make's your project memorable!
    • This project is your baby! Part of the fun of bringing something new into the world is coming up with a name.
  • Introduce something new or that is not commercially available or affordable!
  • If you have an idea for a project that doesn't fit the current theme then submit your idea in the forums or in:  Theme Suggestions  .
List the Steps
Submit Video Proof
  • Provide the steps you took to complete your project (text, video, or images).
    • This could be a step by step how-to-guide, vlog, schematics, coding, napkin drawings, voice narration, or whatever you think will be useful!
  • If it doesn't work that's fine, this is more about the journey than the end product.
  • A short video is all that is required but you can shoot as much video as you like.
  • You are encouraged to be creative and have as much fun as possible!
Project Articles and Blogs