SRD-1 - 3D Printed Drone (Arduino + Raspberry)The newest update is the the June 11th Update - It flies, which can be found at the end of this blog!
1. Introduction & Idea
2. Plan
3. Design
Mechanical Design
Base A...
Conclusion The Tello drone was able to receive the commands issued via our custom-made Telegram Bot @DroneTellobot.Despite the shortcomings to add a middleware communication for accessing Telegram data, the implementation is application rich.&nb...
Integration A middleware is required to interact between the telegram API and the drone.If the M5Stack module is connected to the drone via WiFi, it won't be able to access the Telegram API calls due to the absence of internet connectivity.To ov...
Telegram is a freeware, cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging (IM) software. Telegram accounts are tied to telephone numbers and are verified by SMS. Users can add multiple devices to their accounts and receive messages on all of them. Connec...
Here we introduce a novel method of controlling drones via Telegram. Using this feature, a user will be able to control a drone from virtually anywhere in the world with the help of an internet connection and Telegram application. Motivation&nbs...
Conclusion Although the inference engine was not able to classify between left and right accurately, overall the performance was satisfying. Also, there were some cases where the gesture command needed to be applied multiple times to be able to ...
Interfacing Now that we have prepared our drone, M5Stack module, and the gesture model, let's interface everything together in code.The complete interfacing code is provided here: th...
We will use machine learning to build a gesture recognition system that runs on a microcontroller, with the help of Edge Impulse Studio. Preparing Edge Impulse Studio for the project Log in to Create Projec...
Gesture Control Method Gesture Commands In order to control out Tello drone using the M5Stack module, we will be using gesture detection. 6 basic gestures are considered for the control (idle, takeoff/land, forward, back, left, right).IdleN...
M5Stack Fire Module M5Stack FIRE is one of the M5Stack developing kits, providing 9-Axis IMU sensor(6-Axis posture acceleration measurement + 3-Axis magnetic measurement), 16M Flash + 4M PSRAM, enhanced Base, larger battery, etc. With an IMU pos...
The DJI Tello is a small-sized drone that combines powerful technology from DJI and Intel into a very tiny package. It is a lightweight, fun, and easy-to-use drone that is the perfect tool for learning the ropes of drone piloting before investing in ...
Introduction The term “drone” usually refers to any unpiloted aircraft. Sometimes referred to as “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles" (UAVs), these crafts can carry out an impressive range of tasks, ranging from military operations to package delivery. Dr...
I have beaten the deadline and produced a fully working Drome4All a week before the deadline (two deadlines in one sentence - terrible grammar but I'm tired and cannot be bothered to do any more thinking). It's been raining and blowing and I ha...
I have been able to put together the essential parts of my Dromes4All mobile robot so now I have been working on establishing a communication system. I had previously decided to use infrared communication just because I have never used it before and ...
The use of drones has increased over time due to leading technological advancements in the miniaturization of electronics, composite materials, machine learning, vision algorithms, and battery technology.
I'd previously written about the poor performance of my AlphaBot Alpha Rover - Out of Control and how I was surprised that the wheel optical encoders had not been incorporated into the AlphaBot library. fmilburn had written a blog post about im...
Having decided to have a go at making some drones, based on the fact that I have four plastic domes and Nanos I have now progressed to an initial prototype. My plan is to make four identical domed drones (I will now call them Dromes) which will be ab...
While I'm pondering my choice of a control processor, I thought I'd try out the GPS unit that I bought to use with the Rover. This is an inexpensive GPS board that I found on Amazon
To say I'm somewhat disappointed in the AlphaBot would be putting it mildly. I'm having lots of repeatability issues. I thought I'd try some obstacle avoidance using the ultrasonic sensor. I'm still having significan...
Time to try the Ultrasonic distance sensor with the panning servo mount. The Ultrasonic detector uses the common HC-SR04 module. It emits a stream of eight 40 kHz pulses and provides an ECHO pulse whose width is proportional to the reflect...
The IR obstacle detection modules on the AlphaBot were not working and the IR remote was also not working, so that was my project for the weekend. One of the object detection modules wasn't functioning and the other one would function intermitte...
At last, I finally received the correct size 18650 batteries. I could have started testing with an external power source, but decided to wait for the batteries. The way the power is hooked up you can't get enough voltage from the Arduino ...