So over the past while I have done a lot of things with the Raspberry Pi. Sure I use the Raspberry Pi 4 as a desktop daily and read books on Raspberry Pi and enjoy looking at everyone's projects cause there is just too many amazing things being created with the Raspberry Pi. I tip my Rpi to you to those that make and use it.
I felt like it was a good time since I even recently am in a roadtest for the raspberry pi, to review all the fun I have shared so far on the community here and there is more if you check out this playlist on my youtube channel here Pi4life:
Right now the roadtest I am working on can be viewed here well the first part. More fun stuff with it coming soon.
Roadtest help - Raspberry Pi 3 in a box (official kit) I need your help! post your questions!
And if you could post your questions it would greatly help. As this roadtest depends on the community interaction.
On this PiDay I also thought anyone interested in getting into Raspberry Pi. Have a look at the free information I had put together on it here which would be useful for any Raspberry Pi beginner.
Raspberry Pi For Beginners Course Part 1
It does have a pdf to follow along with the course as well so hey free info is always great to have and review. So make sure to check it out.
One of the best and funest projects to date tho on Element14 was probably the #PiMassive build I did for the design challenge you can check it all out here..
PiCasso Design Challenge - PiMassive - Blog #1 - Designing the PiMassive
PiCasso Design Challenge - PiMassive - Blog #2 - CNC Time
PiCasso Design Challenge - PiMassive - Blog #3 - 3D Printing the Parts pt1
PiCasso Design Challenge - PiMassive - Blog #4 - Massive Paint Job
PiCasso Design Challenge - PiMassive - Blog #5 - 3D Printing the Parts pt2
PiCasso Design Challenge - PiMassive - Blog #6 - Time to Hang the Pi
PiCasso Design Challenge - PiMassive - Blog #7 - Getting the Parts on the Pi
PiCasso Design Challenge - PiMassive - Blog #8 - GPIO install
PiCasso Design Challenge - PiMassive - Blog #9 - Wiring the Pi
PiCasso Design Challenge - PiMassive - Blog #10 - PiMassive is Alive!
And belwo here is just stuff I have been putting together about my use with the Raspberry Pi as a desktop as well as the Raspberry Pi 4 as one so lots of good information there as well. Make sure to check out the other projects and information below as well.
My time with the pi as a desktop
Installing the Arduino IDE on Raspberry Pi (both ways)
Raspberry Pi 4 no usb after update on SSD hard drive fix with Micro SD Card
Raspberry Pi 4 Linux Malware detect & ClamAv install
Installing PyCharm on Raspberry Pi 4
An even simpler way to boot from SSD on Raspberry Pi 4
Makevember Solar Powered Raspberry Pi Project!
My Time with the Raspberry Pi 4 as a Desktop
Alsa no audio (glitch) issue Pi 4 fix
Fix Raspberry Pi Webcam Freezing Lagging Jittering issue
RpiRateTV Broadcaster your local RPTV Station
What's your favorite/favorites HAT's and Why?
What do you want to do/see done on the pi 4?
The most overlooked Pi Program is..
There might be more but that's what I came across in my history so far
So after going through just the stuff I have posted on element14 I really didn't think I did that much I am by far a expert on the Raspberry Pi. Just a guy that has fun with it daily and likes to share his experiences with working with the Raspberry Pi.
Happy Pi Day Everyone! And Make on!
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