AVNET's iotconnect.io cloud platform is an online service that you can use to send data to, and then show it on a dashboard. In this blog series I'm learning the Python SDK and integrating BLE devices. In this post: check how it looks like on a custom iotconnect.io portal.
User Experience Scenarios
The custom dashboard for the SmartEdge / RSL10 / IoTConnect combination is made to deal with two types of actors:
- a person in several professional settings: training room, conference room, machine room: focus on simple direct info
- an asset tracker: a single page to review all devices around and get their details: focus on complete overview and technical info
Asset Tracker
This scenario comes with three screens. A map with all devices and sensors details drill-down, and a detailed device info view.
Map Screen
In this view, you can scroll over the map, zoom into the area you are interested in, and locate the devices.
In the image above, I zoomed into Western Europe, and searched for my device.
The location is not derived from my WiFi spot. I entered the coordinates in the device's attributes.
When I click on the green locator, more details pop up.
That info is again something I voluntarily entered in the device attributes. No spoofing or spying.
When I click on the green hyperlink, the dashboard drills down to the sensors details page.
RSL10 Sensors Detail Drill Down Screen
The top part of this page, where you see the actual values, is live data. When the RSL10 tag is in reach of the SmartEdge, this is updated every few seconds.
The lower half of the screen shows historical data.
Gateway Details Screen
The asset manager can search for a device by name, and review static and dynamic data.
It shows static data that's defined at the time the device is enrolled on the cloud (unique ID, name), and data attributes manually entered for that device (location, description, ..).
It also shows live data of all attributes that the Gateway receives from the RSL10 and forwards to the cloud.
The bottom screen allows to show the live graph of a selected attribute.
The reason why in the capture above all movement and orientation data is 0, is because my RSL10 is in Environmental Only mode.
In the previous section, where I show the RSL10 Sensors Detail Drill Down Screen, the device was in Acceleration Mode. You can see that the Orientation telemetry was visible at that time.
There is also a Rules and Notification demo. I will cover it in the next post.
User Experience in Professional Settings
This example comes with three scenarios. A classroom, a meeting room and a shop floor with machinery.
All of them are showing the device as a proximity indicator / beacon.
Zone Asset Tracking
This example monitors if an asset is replaced or taken out of a work area or classroom. When the signal strength drops below a threshold, this is detected:
Safe Distance
This one is pandemic-themed. You define how many people can be in a location at the same time.
When there is too many people too close, it is detected.
This is partly simulated in the example, so you can test it on your own. The red people are simulated, the green person is you.
Information Push on a Shop Floor
My favourite. It shows how a BLE beacon (played by the RSL10) and a gateway can work together to help an operator.
In this scenario, the operator has a tablet and an RSL10 beacon.
The operator (played by me) is instructed on the tablet to go to a particular machine (played by the SmartEdge).
Once approaching, the Current Value indicates if the direction is right and guides them to the right location.
Once in front of the right machine, the tablet shows the front panel with help and info pops up.
When the operator clicks on a control, it shows info:
When the machine is in an error state, instructions are shown:
That covers all the examples except Rules and Notifications. Those are for the next post.