AVNET's iotconnect.io cloud platform is an online service that you can use to send data to, and then show it on a dashboard*. In this blog series I'm learning how to talk to it with Node-RED. In this post: install the palette and test!.
Install the Node-RED SDK
The iotconnect module for Node-RED has two components, a connection and a command inserter.
To install, navigate to the Node-RED install directory.
On a Linux machine, that's often the .node-red subdir of your home.
Then register to the iotconnect repo
$ npm adduser --registry https://repo.iotconnect.io/ $ username: <retrieve from https://help.iotconnect.io/documentation/sdk-reference/device-sdks-flavors/node-red/ > $ password: <retrieve from https://help.iotconnect.io/documentation/sdk-reference/device-sdks-flavors/node-red/ >
Enter an email address - I used the one from my iotnet.io subscription. AVNET informed me that if you have issues with the download account, you can reach out to https://knowledgebase.iotconnect.io/contact/
Then install the nodes:
$ npm install iotconnect-nodered-sdk --registry https://repo.iotconnect.io/
The nodes are added to your installation.
Connect for the first time
Start node-red and surf to the designer page.
Create a new flow, and place a connection:
You have to enter 3 attributes:
- CPID. This is the customer number on the Key Vault page. Do not share this
- Unique ID. Your device's unique ID as available on the Device page
- ENV. Selection box. Select the Environment that's shown in the key vault.
Deploy the flow. If you did everything correctly, the node shows it's connected.
The dot coloured green:
First Data exchange
Let's send the first telemetry data to the iotconnect.io cloud.
Add an IotConnect Injecter node and fill in the JASON package:
[ { "uniqueId": "e14nodered1", "data": { "Temperature": "21" } } ]
The uniqueID is the same one you used when defining the connection.
The attribute has to be one that's registered in the template. We added Temperature.
I added a debug block at the end as part of the test, but that's not needed.
It shows the payload , if it's sent correctly to the cloud.
Press the Inject node's button. The message is sent to iotconnect.io:
Celebrate again.
In the next post: commands from the cloud.
This is the source code of my final flow.
You can import this in Node-RED by clicking the 3-bars icon in the right up corner of your Node-RED editor, then select import.
You will have to update cpID and uniqueID.
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