I have now produced a 3D printed case for the battery hack for the protoboard to make it look a bit prettier. It isn't brilliant but after some fettling I managed to get it all to stick together. And, it still works as well, despite some rather rough...
If you ever run into a scenario when you RC controller stops working or does not connect to the transmitter for some weird reason, and you have tried all the tricks up you sleeve to fix the issue, the best thing to do is to gut most of the component...
So, last time I managed to get the SQL Acron CLE-215 running whilst powered by an external power supply and connect to it over JTAG. This let me get blinky running but didn't really take advantage of the unusual feature which drew me to the board...
The setup: Ever wondered what to do with your old basic phones? The advent of a smartphone in last decade made all the basic phones obsolete. Even though they had good battery life and decent look they are less when compared ...
IntroductionTo provide low cost thermal image solution with Panasonic's AMG8833AMG8833 8x8 IR Grid-Eye detector, ESP32 , AWS IOT and serverless infrastructure. Use case scenarioWild Fire alertSecurity with object detectionObject maintenanc...
Why a Case Now
Links to the previous partsPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Why a Case NowThe idea of this Vintage-Modern-Upcycled-Modular device (wow! So long) is a set of modules connected together designed in a way easy to reproduce,...
I am a 3rd year computer and electronics engineering student, single father of 2 boys so needless too say money is tight. One of the main ways I keep my head above water is phone/device , laptop and pc repair work. So over time I have accumulated my ...
Stage lights are expensive. If it's not a simple par-can, it more than likely has a hefty price tag. Even a simple static LED like the Chauvet COLORado 1 Quad at AUD $760. And then you have your moving "intelligent" lights, like the Martin Rush MH3...
Hello,my idea is to write a software to transform a professonal lab piece of equipment (i.e. signal generator) into a ham radio device.I'm making the first tests, demonstrating it is possibile to transform a RF signal generator into a ham radio b...
Just finished rebuilding the Pong game.
Links to my previous posts:
Pong Game Circa 1978Pong is Alive
Started by de-wiring all of the switches.
Next I found a couple of proto PCBs of the right size and I printed a mounting pla...
Well, so far (in previous blogs) I have managed to get the board power up and detected by Vivado hardware manager, but that's only part of the way there. Whilst I can upload a bitstream to the FPGA I need to know how to upload a useful bitstream. Th...
The Idea
Adopted and Discarded Solutions
MIDI Control and Audio Sampling
Analog Synth Experiments
Links to the previous parts
Part 1
Part 2Part 3Part 4
The Idea
Radio Magic is a strange kind of project: it includes hardwa...
The aim is to develop a smily face on breads. Constructing a smily face using a thick copper strand and connecting it to heating rods inside the toaster will help to heat the copper. The copper remains closer to the bread and makes a smily impression...
Hello everyone, in this post I will show, how I hacked my old star wars lamp, including wifi support, using an esp8266 and voice control using Python + Google Speech API.
The code used in this project can be found in https://github.com/danilo94/IotLa...
As part of the Hardware Hacking Challenge I thought that I'd try to resurrect a Pong game that I built back in 1978. My intro blog is here: Pong Game Circa 1978
Since it came out of my junk box and seemed to be in poor condition I thoug...
Getting the board running
So, after receiving my SQRL Acorn cryptominer board, the first thing I needed to do was power it up and connect to it. I decided that to start with it might be impractical to have it located in a PCIe slot inside my PC as t...
Sometime in a world long long ago I built a Pong game using a General Instruments AY-3-8500-1 IC (the -1 is for NTSC).
I found the unit in one of my junk boxes. It has survived 3 moves and an earthquake (Northridge 1994). It was i...
It all started from a bit of aimless browsing eBay. I can't remember exactly what I was looking for but a search for "Xilinx" brought up something unusual and interesting. I stumbled across this listing - a "SQRL Acorn CLE-215 Xilinx Artix 7 F...