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There's still time to submit your RF (Radio Frequency) project!
- Build projects involving or exploring RF including circuits, antennas, SDR, ham radio, modulation/demodulation, RADAR, and more!
Submit your project from now until anytime on January 15th to have your project featured here!
You will be judged on the basis of the following criteria:
- Follow the Steps - Did they provide the steps it took to complete the project (text, video, or images) and/or schematics.
- Submit Video Proof - Did they post a video proof of their project?
- Stick to the Theme - How well did the project stick to the theme of the competition?
- Demonstrate Originality - Did they come up with a clever name for their project? Or did they introduce something new or that is not commercially available?
The Grand Prize: | 3 First Place Winners: |
One Grand Prize Winner Wins Spectrum Analyzer plus a $200 Shopping Cart! | 3 First Place Winners Win a Handheld Oscilloscope plus a $100 Shopping Cart! |
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The Projects:
NFC Data Exfiltrator: QRSS on the NXP EXPLORE-NFC feat. Raspberry Pi by Gough Lui:
NFC Data Exfiltrator: QRSS on the NXP EXPLORE-NFC feat. Raspberry Pi | |
Field Strength Meter by kmikemoo:
Field Strength Meter | |
Arduino MKR GSM and SemTech LoRa Example: LoRa Message to SMS by Jan Cumps
Arduino MKR GSM and SemTech LoRa Example: LoRa Message to SMS | |
Feather Weather by dougw
Feather Weather | |
The specified item was not found. by rsjawale24
The specified item was not found.
A broadband printed monopole antenna integrated with NI USRP SDR for spectrum sensing | |
RpiRateTV Broadcaster your local RPTV Station by gam3t3ch
RpiRateTV Broadcaster your local RPTV Station | |
PlanetCatcher: Building a World-Band Radio Receiver by shabaz
Building a World-Band Radio Receiver | |
Star Wars R2D2 Uses the Force with XBee RF Virtual Wires by Sean_Miller
Star Wars R2D2 Uses the Force with XBee RF Virtual Wires | |
Molex Antenna Mod on the IDT SDAWIR Evaluation Kit by Gough Lui
Molex Antenna Mod on the IDT SDAWIR Evaluation Kit | |
Antenna Radiation by kmikemoo
Antenna Radiation | |
Building a poor man's quarter-wave 433MHz antenna: Introduction by gecoz
Building a poor man’s quarter-wave 433MHz antenna: Antenna’s construction
Building a poor man’s quarter-wave 433MHz antenna: Comparing Antennae
Building a poor man’s quarter-wave 433MHz antenna: Testing the antenna with ESP32 LoRa
Building a poor man's quarter-wave 433MHz antenna | |
NFC Lock — run with NFC Tag Antenna by fyaocn
NFC Lock - run with NFC Tag Antenna | |
Arduino Mini RDF Fox by kmikemoo
Arduino Mini RDF Fox | |
Antenna Antenna by Jan Cumps
Antenna Antenna | |
Jingle Wi-FPy: Encoding a Tune with UDP Packets by Gough Lui:
Jingle Wi-FPy: Encoding a Tune with UDP Packets | |
Project to design RF friendly Switching Converters by station240:
Projects to Design RF Friendly Switching Converters | |
Got mail! LoRaWAN Mail box sensor by eivholt
Got mail! LoRaWAN Mail box sensor | |
ArduTrx with Arduino MKR by bernhardmayer
ArduTrx with Arduino MKR | |
Automating room light through sub-GHz frequency by shivamgpl8824tiwari
Automating room light through sub-GHz frequency | |
Xmas Audiovisual Show by neuromodulator
XMAS Audiovisual Show | |
PDTect_RF Partial Discharge Detector by three-phase
Automating room light through sub-GHz frequency | |
Lorra-Lorra-LoRa by paj
Lorra-Lorra-LoRa | |
Deck the halls with holiday flowers - and keep them alive by eivholt :
Deck the halls with holiday flowers - and keep them alive | |
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