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Path III is the third session in the element14 Community’s structured FPGA-based SoC training. The first Path was held in 2018 and focused on programmable logic devices PLDs and featured the AVNET MiniZed development board, based on AMD’s Zynq-7000 SoC.

Path II convened in 2019 and offered more advanced learning opportunities and featured the AVNET Ultra96-V2 development board, based on AMD’s Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC.

Path III will double the fun by offering structured training on both the MiniZed and Ultra96-V2 boards. Each training track will be followed by a design/build phase.

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Recent Blogs
  • OrangeCrab Game Console - Part 2

    Patiently Waiting for the PCBs In these high-inflation times I try to be frugal where I can.  I've ordered boards from China in the past and while the PCB prices themselves are very affordable the $20 or so for express shipping isn't nec...
  • Master project for FPGA VHDL with Digilent Arty - Artix-7

    Dear friend, I am a new master's student, I need help with my master's project. I have a Digilent Arty - Artix-7 board. what kind of project I can research for 2 years?
  • OrangeCrab Gaming Console - Part 1

    Introduction One of the advantages of membership in the Element14 community is the opportunity to evaluate brand new products and technologies.  Back in 2021 during the summer of FPGAs I was lucky enough to be selected to road test the Oran...
  • Quadrature Sinewave Generator on Lattice XP2 using Brevia 2 Development Board

    Introduction Some more simple DSP [digital signal processing] stuff with my lovely little Lattice Brevia-2 board with its XP2 FPGA. A couple of years back, I did a collection of blogs called 'Waves' using this board (see the links at the end). For th…
  • Booting up Ultrazed-EG dev board

    Hello all, I am not able to boot up the board even after following the steps exactly given in the manual. It seems that the board is not drawing any current as the fan which I am mounting on it is also not powering up and the PS red LED is also not g…
Related Projects
  • Blog: Digilent Arty S7 FPGA board-- Interfacing PmodNAV sensor.

    First, I would like to thank element14 for providing me one of the ten boards for the Arty-s7 series webinar. I was glad to be a part of the webinar and attended all three. I was also learning FPGA because of their several advantages and flexibility …
  • Blog: ZYNQ Stereo Camera Platform - Part1

    Stereopsis is the inference of depth by comparing two images from slightly different perspectives. There are a number of local and global algorithms used to obtain a real time stereo depth map. The computational requirements for stereo however are qu…
  • Blog: Image processing on ZC702 using PYNQ

    IntroductionThis project is a follow up from the previous project on porting the PYNQ framework to the ZC702 development board.In this article we will show how to leverage the xOpenCV framework in conjunction with the PYNQ framework  to implemen...
  • Blog: Porting PYQN to ZC702

    In this project we will port the PYNQ framework to the ZC702 development board.  Introduction The ZC702 is an official development board from Xilinx. This board sports a ZC7020 ZYNQ FPGA SoC. It comes with a number of peripherals including ...
  • Blog: FPGA camera lane detection with ZYNQ ZC702

    A couple of months back I received a ZC702 Xilinx development board from Randall after pitching an idea on how to build an embedded vision project. The board arrived a couple of weeks later (thank you Randall) and I started working on the steps to bu…