My plan for the BlueTooth Unleashed Challenge is to use it to provide an addition to Home Automation.
The idea is to detect the bluetooth transmitted from the vehicle and signal other Home Automation functions.
If the vehicle is known then it can open the garage door, and inform the home owner that xx is home.
If the system doesn't recognise the vehicle, it can :-
- trigger a survelliance camera to record video and take snapshots.
- turn on the outside lights
- inform the houseowner that they have visitors
- Send a notification to a smartphone
This system also can record when someone visited and for how long, which may prove useful if they have been up to no good.
I live in the country and we have a shared driveway, and then a long (by normal standards) driveway to the house.
When we first moved in, it was open paddocks, and you could see anyone coming into the properties. Now that the trees and shrubs have grown, there is no visibility of incoming vehicles.
Being forewarned about who is coming up the driveway, gives you a few minutes to get sorted before they knock on the door.
Because we aren't always at home, having a method to capture pictures of incoming vehicles at least allows you to know what and when someone may have visited.
There are legitimate visitors during the day, but there also some others that could be opportunistic with less than desirable reasons for visiting the property.
Why Bluetooth
I've thought about driveway monitors before, and while they can signal that the beam has been broken, it really tells you nothing more.
You're unable to tell what direction or if it was indeed a vehicle, or some loose stock that broke the beam.
Bluetooth monitoring is used in NZ to predict travel times. The local transport agency sniffs the MAC address of vehicles going past and then matches that with the next detection point to build up an average travel time.
It is entirely based on history, so can be several hours ago, but people seem happier to have a figure for their journey time, regardless of the accuracy.
This idea uses the same method of snooping the MAC address, but for known vehicles we can add other functionality.
The detection point needs to be at the start of the driveway, and because there is no power source, this will need to be low power with solar charging.
The PSOC range seems a very good fit, but because of the timeline and my need to upskill, the inital design will be Arduino based and some form of RF transmitter/transceiver.
Adding a vehicle detection loop or beam is necessary to ensure those vehicles without bluetooth will also trigger the system.
The camera is intended to be a RaspberryPi which will be performing the receiving signal, along with storing the database of known vehicles, and the appropriate response (ie lights, gargage door, announcement)
Depending on the field tests the RPi could also be doing the Bluetooth detection as well (I prefer to avoid picking up the neighbours movements)
This will be housed in an outdoor light fitting, so as to appear normal.
Consideration for the antenna needs to be made as most of these fittings are metal.
This was another done in an earlier challenge, and gives the idea, however I plan to use a version with lots of LEDs (similar to the one below) and swap out some LED's for IR and remove others to allow the camera to be mounted.
So my Hero board will be the Raspberry Pi 3 B+
but I will try to use the Cypress PSOC6 which I purchased earlier
I've used UV4L for a rear view camera Rear View Camera ver 2.0 , and this has a great advantage of allowing streaming to an indoor server as well as simple control over images.
I expect there will be some python scripts to process the incoming trigger information, as well as passing on relevant information to the internal system for storing and notifying the house occupants.
I've used OpenHAB during an earlier challenge, and it lent itself to very powerful control and can easily communicate using NodeRed for switching the outdoor lighting.
This also allows control via phone to switch the lights on/off as required, so it has other uses.
I can also use something like ITTT to push a notification out to a smartphone/email, etc that a visitor is there.
I imagine the bulk of my time will be integrating, testing and refining the various software parts, as the hardware is fairly straight forward. .... BUT this is a Design Challenge and things are never what they seem.
The RedBear BLE board I looked at and tried ordering is a restricted item into NZ, so forward planning and a plan is a must for these.
Design Challenge Blogs and Why Challengers Must Post - Upcycle it - Progress Week 3
I've been twarted on my electronic picture of tying it all together, but the pen still works, and the 'Whitelines" paper seemed a really good way to convey it.
Previous Design Challenges
I've been involved in a few previous Challenges and helped judge in another. What is Electronic Up-Cycling
The links to my previous are :-
Catch Santa Challenge a mini challenge to catch Santa ... except the delivery schedule got all mucked up, but Santa was on time.
Wireless Power - Beyond the Phone Beyond the Phone - eLIST progress 6 - pictures including the extra piece The Illuminated Beer Tap
Forget Me Not Design Challenge eLDERmon Final Summary Mark Beckett wins Community Choice Award in element14's Forget Me Not design challenge
The Teachers Pet Robotics was the only DC I was unable to complete.
This was due to suddenly having to go to England for five weeks and a mountain of additional work.
I did take it for the trip and made the organisers aware of the situation as soon as possible
Thanks for the opportunity to apply.
I think this challenge has some exciting potential and it will be interesting to see the variety in the chosen applicants.
The other posts are here :-
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