This list is not comprehensive. Nominees are winners of past Project14 competition and the poll is conducted in the spirit of fun. Take some time and check out the projects below. In addition to these great projects, check out the other great work our members have done throughout the year.
At the time of this writing we are currently in the judging process for the Holiday Special 2023 contest so the results are omitted as winners have not been determined by our community member judges yet!
The Nominees:
Music Time:
- 100 year old player piano gets an update! Music Time via Python and Modbus TCP by aspork42
- Music Voice Synthesizer by genebren
- Multi-Voice Synthesizer - Initial Design
- Multi-Voice Synthesizer - Part 2 - Voice Module rework.
- Multi-Voice Synthesizer - Part 3 - Main Board rework and Echo Module bring-up.
- Multi-Voice Synthesizer - Part 4 - New schematics and layouts.
- Multi-Voice Synthesizer - Part 5 - Let's Make Some Noise.
- Multi-Voice Synthesizer - Part 6 - The Pieces are Coming Together.
- Multi-Voice Synthesizer - Part 7 - Adding Noise Back into the Mix.
- Building FPGA-Based Music Instrument Synthesis: A Simple Test Bench Solution by javagoza
- 215 Instrument MIDI Synthesizer by dougw
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Crazy Arduino Automations
- Shoe shiner by amgalbu
- The WRONGCO Hamster Helper by robogary
- The WRONGCO Hamper Helper - experiment 1 dirty clothes pile height detection - not so good
- The WRONGCO Hamper Helper–blog 2-Intro to Optical sensors from a Dummy
- The WRONGCO Hamper Helper – blog 3 – photo "electric eye" detection calibration, and down a COB LED rabbit hole
- The WRONGCO Hamper Helper – blog 4 – photo detection system test with Arduino at the helm
- The WRONGCO Hamper Helper – blog 5 – get a spritz of the aromatic Atomizer, hack a bit, build a bit, and test
- The WRONGCO Hamper Helper – blog 6 (final) – It is ARDUINO ALIVE ! Watch it work….Design details included
- BBIPP (Breadboard-borne Improvised Power Profiler) by JWx
- Raising the Bridge...Automation with Arduino by colporteur
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- Solar Powered Beverage Cooling Mug by robogary
- Solar Powered Tropical Beverage Cooling Mug -Blog #1 - the concept
- Solar Powered Tropical Beverage Cooling Mug - blog #2 - the solar panel characterization
- Solar Powered Tropical Beverage Cooling Mug -Blog #3 - the solar charging system
- Solar Powered Tropical Beverage Cooling Mug -Blog #4 – Learning to cool with Peltier modules
- Solar Powered Tropical Beverage Cooling Mug -Blog #5 –*DRAMATIC* step fwd- building a Peltier module chill plate/fan cooled heatsink assembly.
- Solar Powered Tropical Beverage Cooling Mug -Final Blog (#6)- Hilarious summary details of an Off the Grid folly
- Mini Solar Powered Wireless Temperature Sensor by misaz
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Sub -1 GHz Band
- Arduino Nano Wireless Morse Code Key (Ver 1 and Ver2) using 433 MHz FS1000A Xmtr and Receiver modules by robogary
- The Frugal Fox by kmikemoo
- Radio controlled clock/weather station using second-hand Oregon outdoor sensor by JWx
- Sub-1GHz Band Challenge - STM32WL Nucleo board unboxing and kickstarting development by balajivan1995
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SciFi Movie Props
- ThingBot & Wednesday Interview by dougw
- WRONGCO Quantum Mini Dispose-It-All with Enviro-kind Technology by robogary
- YAFC - Yet Another Flux Capacitor by amgalbu
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Didn't see your Project14 Project of the Year listed above? Let us know in the comments below!
Now its time to choose YOUR project of the year in Project14 for 2023!