
An open-source platform platform that makes hardware and software accessible for rapid prototyping, learning, experimenting, and tinkering. Discuss topics and share knowledge on the entire range of Arduino compatible boards and accessories, from Classic to MKR boards, and more.

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How to Program the Arduino Opta PLC

This article explores how Arduino-based Opta® PLC can mitigate PLC programming challenges. It also introduces the Arduino PLC programming environment, highlighting its benefits and applications in automation

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Exploring Arduino Pro's Role in Industry 4.0

This webinar highlights how edge computing technology can drive efficiency in applications related to Industry 4.0.

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Arduino Giga R1 WiFi

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The Giga R1 packs BLE and the power of the STM32H7, the processor used in the Portenta H7, into the accessible Mega form factor.

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Nicla Sense

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An intelligent board that features industrial-grade sensors, including a Bosch Sensortec BHI260AP motion sensor system with embedded AI.

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Nano 33 BLE Sense

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A low-power board with built-in BLE and Bluetooth 5, featuring temperature, pressure, humidity, light, and gestures sensors.

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Arduino Edge Control Board

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Designed for precision farming applications, this control board is well suited for irrigation with modular connectivity.

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  • Adding more Storage to an Arduino: Using 8-pin SPI Flash Memory Chips

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     One of the most important things when playing guitar is making sure that the instrument is in tune. Even the best guitar player will not sound any good with an out-of-tune guitar. Tuning guitars by hand using a standard tuner has always been co...