Active components like transistors, BJTs, MOSFETs, and integrated circuits (ICs) make it possible to control circuits. This video explains the must-have NPN and PNP BJTs. For MOSFETs there are a couple of N-Channels and P-Channels to consider. Basic ICs include some digital logic stuff from the 7400-family as well as the venerable 555-timer to have on-hand. We did not forget Op-Amps either. Spoiler: We do not recommend the ua741!
Supplemental Content:
- The Learning Circuit 27: How Transistors Work
- The Learning Circuit 48: Intro to Integrated Circuits
- The Learning Circuit: 62: How 555 Timers Work
- The Learning Circuit 68: How Op Amps Work
- The Learning Circuit 75: How Shift Registers Work
Bill of Materials:
Product Name | Manufacturer | Quantity | Buy Kit |
Op-Amps | |||
LM358 - Audio | TI | 1 | Buy Now |
LM324 - General Purpose | TI | 1 | Buy Now |
TL074 - JFET | TI | 1 | Buy Now |
Transistors | |||
2n3904 - BJT NPN | Multicomp | 1 | Buy Now |
2n3906 - BJT PNP | Multicomp | 1 | Buy Now |
2n7000 - MOSFET | On-Semi | 1 | Buy Now |
IRFZ44NPBF - N-Channel FET | International Rectifier | 1 | Buy Now |
IRF4905 - P-Channel FET | International Rectifier | 1 | Buy Now |
Regulators | |||
MC7805BTG - 5 Volt Regulator (modern 7805) | On-Semi | 1 | Buy Now |
LM317BTG - Adjustable Positive Regulator | TI | 1 | Buy Now |
LM337TG - Adjustable Negative Regulator | TI | 1 | Buy Now |
Integrated Circuits (ICs) | |||
ICM7555IPAZ - CMOS 555 | Renesas | 1 | Buy Now |
SN74HCT245N - Bidirectional Octal Buffer | TI | 1 | Buy Now |
74HCT595 - Shift Register (SMD...) | Nexperia | 1 | Buy Now |