I'm now at the point in the project where I can match what I have with what I can.
I overestimated my skills when I announced that I would try to integrate a Shazam-like service into my player.
Or more honest: I didn't overestimate. I set this a s a goal to force myself to reach as far as I could.
At that time, I expected that I'd be faster to adapt embedded Linux.
Based on no particular evidence, I predicted for @self that I'd be on track with that technology fast.
And I didn't get on track fast. It was a steep curve. And that steep curve resulted into unexpected results.
My flashy goals are out of reach. No way will I be able to get that song recognition part integrated.
It's a magnitude more complex than what I learned up till today. I'm a realist. That's not something I'm going to achieve right now.
But I think that this is offset by something more valuable for the outside world. I've shared my struggle.
I will not deliver that mystical enchanted song recognition system.
But on the way of not delivering that, I have written a trail of experiences and HOW-TO's that may help the community.
I learned a lot. And I hope that this opens up opportunities for you.
Along the way, this may have caused some discomfort left or right. It will turn out alright in the end.
Achievable Goals
First, there are all the things that I've shown before (turntable motor drive, speed detection, control loop, audio sampling, FFT and spectrum analysis, servo lift).
As a stretch for myself, I'm going to port as much as I can of that into the SAMADA5D4. As a learning opportunity for @self,
And as a tribute to the power of that processor.
To make it connected, I plan to beam a part of the audio information to the cloud.
I'll broadcast a message with the bass, mid and treble info of the record currently playing.
Subscribers all over the world (most likely me only ) can subscribe and animate something based on that.
My animated thing will be an internet connected light organ, powered by Yún and Infineon LED shield. Yours may be a frequency analyzer visualization thingy..
Ah, and I don't have high power leds for the light organ. Send me some please.
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