No electronics in today's post. Just a few pictures of the work on the sub-chassis.
I'm avoiding to drill holes in the nice turntable coffer. I'm crafting a light carton base that nicely fits inside the turntable.
The material I use is from my son's school project. He's building an architectural model of a house.
Building the sub-chassis
It's just the fancy name for a piece of carton. As prototype I used part of a pizza box.
I made that fit using the trial and error method.
Then I used it as template for the cardboard.
This is the end result: a nicely fitting mounting plate.
After cutting it out, I re-traced the sides with an extra line of red sharpie to give it that professional finished look .
Having this removable base plate will make it easier to work on the different parts.
And I can take everything out at once when I have to revert the turntable to its original state.
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