This is my first installment in the BONUS series where I'm tapping into the turntable's audio spectrum data that I'm publishing on the internet.
My first bonus design is a remote light organ. I'm building it with an Arduino Yún, the Infineon RGB Led Shield and a bunch of LEDs.
Part 1 is my log on the build, and trying out if the Arduino-to-Infineon-toLEDs works.
Re-use and Re-purpose
I have kind of a head start here. For a previous element14 event, I have been using the RGB shield before.
That enabled me to just pull up the sketch that I used back then.
(I'll be able to do the same when building an MQTT listener on the Yun - been there done that.)
It's been a day of old school electronics. I pulled out the trusty soldering iron from my school days and did some trough-hole work.
The remote organ will fit in a little shoe box, so I cut out a plate of carton to mount everything on.
I've connected the things up and tidied the layout a bit.
Sketch loaded - and it works. At the moment it's animating each of the 3 rows in 4 intensities.
That 'll change in part 2, where I'll tap into the MQTT data and turn this into a light organ.
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