Every once in a while, Kaleb’s generator needs a restart, which involves a trek outside. To minimize wading through the mud on rainy days, he decided to build a remote control that allows him to start and stop the generator, as well as display any relevant statistics. The project requires a microcontroller, relays, an LED display, and a handful of buttons and switches. Watch the Video:
For the microcontroller, Kaleb opts for the Arduino Nano IoT 33, due to its Wi-Fi capabilities and ample IO. The four-digit displays, previously used in a clock project, are used to convey information. Driving the displays are MAX7221 LED controllers, known for their compatibility with Arduino and stackability. Kaleb also incorporates momentary switches for start and stop functions, along with a rocker switch to conserve power when the system is not in use.
The project involves two circuits – one for the house and another for the remote location near the generator. The house circuit includes buttons, LEDs, and a switch, while the remote circuit has relays to control the generator’s start and enable functions. Kaleb demonstrates the functioning of the system, which allows remote starting and stopping of the generator, displaying wattage generated, and other relevant information.
In the code overview, Kaleb explains the key elements, including button handlers, MQTT communication, and display toggling. The code, along with design files, will be available on GitHub for the element14 Community. The completed project works successfully, giving Kaleb a convenient and efficient way to control the generator remotely, saving him from unpleasant treks out to the generator in unfavorable weather conditions.
Downloads and Links:
- Code and CAD FilesEpisode 639 Resources
- Github Mirror: https://github.com/KalebTheMaker/GeneratorRemote
Bill of Material:
Product Name | Manufacturer | Quantity | Buy Kit |
Arduino NANO IOT33 Wifi | ABX00032 | 2 | Buy Now |
MAX7221ENG+ Display Dirver 8 digit | MAX7221ENG+ | 4 | Buy Now |
Rocker Switch | SRJ22A3BBBNN | 2 | Buy Now |
SWITCH, SPST-NO, 0.4A, 32VAC, ROUND, RED | 59-112 | 4 | Buy Now |