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Monthly Project Competitions About You
As a member of the element14 community, there are many ways that you can participate on Project14.
Competitions happen every month and are staggered to last two months to accommodate our engineers' busy schedules and family commitments!
Additionally, you can vote for whatever project competition you want to do next in the Monthly Poll , submit images or ideas for whatever project competition you want to do next in the comments section of You Decide Monthly Project Competition!, and volunteer to be a judge your fellow community members' projects anonymously.
Anonymous judging helps keep the good mojo flowing in the community!
If you're interested in judging a competition you can message me at tariq.ahmad .
3 First Place Winners are chosen by other community members (along with moderators from the element14 team) to win a $100 Shopping Cart to any element14 transactional site.
We'll also be routinely giving out free element14 swag for images and ideas used in our monthly poll.
How to Redeem Your Shopping Cart
Go to your local element14 transactional sites and fill a shopping cart with approximately $100 worth of whatever electronics components you want.
You can find a element14 transactional site in your part of the globe by visiting:
Global element14 Online Store Link
For example, if you're in the US go to:
Newark element14 Electronics | Electronic Components Distributor
If you're in the UK go to:
Farnell element14 UK - Electronic Components Distributor
Once you're there simply login to the transactional site so that items can begin being collected in your shopping cart.
After you're logged in you'll see a link at the top to email your shopping cart.
and send it to the address below:
Fill your shopping cart with whatever parts you want for your next Electronics & Design Project and email your basket to Tahmad@Newark.com!