Project Blog and Project Video Archive
Project Archive: Arduino | Pi / micro:bit / BB | Hardware / Software | Categories | 2019 | 2018 | 2017
- "No lies" IR Thermometer - part I by koudelad
- "No lies" IR Thermometer - part II
- "No lies" IR Thermometer - part III
- "No lies" IR Thermometer - part IV
- Revisiting the Cypress S6SAE101A00SA1002 Solar Powered IoT Device Kit by BigG
- Meet Edward Solar Stone – it measures and transmits UV, Temperature & Humidity data using the Eddystone beacon messaging format
- Micro Monster - Succulent Plants Monitoring System (part-1) by mahmood.hassan
- Micro Monster - Succulent Plants Monitoring System (part-2) Establishing A Secure Connection
- PSoC
6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT) - Remote Reset Over Secured MQTT Connection
- PSoC
6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT) - External Flash
- Temperature and Humidity Sensor (DHT22) Interfacing with PSoC6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit
- Micro Monster - Succulent Plants Monitoring System (part-6) Final Testing and Demo
- PSoC
6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit - Building an IOT Project
- PSoC
6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit - CapSense Tuner using Cypress PSoC Creator
- PSoC
6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit - Hello World using Cypress PSoC Creator
- PSoC
6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit - Blink LED using Cypress PSoC Creator
- PSoC
6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit - Read ADC (Ambient Light Sensor) using Cypress PSoC Creator
- FLiP Connected X-Mas Ornament
- FLiP Connected X-Mas Ornament part II
- FLiP Connected X-Mas Ornament part III - complete
- CatDogFoxBot #1 : My Initial Idea
- CatDogFoxBot #2 : System Design and Gathering the Components
- CatDogFoxBot #3 : The Step Motor Scanner is Working
- CatDogFoxBot #4 : GridEye Sensor is Connected and Working
- CatDogFoxBot #5 : Collecting Some Temperature Data
- CatDogFoxBot #6 : Trying out an Artificial Neural Network
- CatDogFoxBot # 7 : GridEye and Artificial Neural Network Combined
- CatDogFox #8 : No Cats but Some Nice Legs
- Kids Kingdom: Learn N Fun by mahmood.hassan
- Diy Kids Tab - Kids Kingdom: Learn N Fun v0.1
- DIY kids tab: Learn N Fun (Alphabets Demo)
- DIY kids tab: Learn N Fun (Numbers Demo)
- DIY kids tab: Learn N Fun (Body Parts Name Demo)
- DIY kids tab: Learn N Fun (Animals Name Demo)
- DIY kids tab: Learn N Fun (Fruits Name Demo)
- DIY kids tab: Learn N Fun (Vegetables Name Demo)
- DIY kids tab: Learn N Fun (Colors Name Demo)
- DIY kids tab: Learn N Fun (Shapes Name Demo)
- tinyMonster AIO Robot (part-1) by mahmood.hassan
- tinyMonster AIO Robot (part-2)
- tinyMonster AIO Robot (part-3)
- tinyMonster AIO Robot (part-4)
- tinyMonster Robot Direction Control using IR Remote
- tinyMonster Robot Movement control using IR Remote
- tinyMonster Robot IR Control and Obstacle Detection
- tinyMonster Robot Data
- tinyMonster Control through AP without WLAN
- tinyMonster Robot control using WLAN without Internet
- tinyMonster Robot both WLAN and AP
- tinyMoster Robot Control Using WLAN GUI
- tinyMonster AIO Robot (part-5)
- tinyMonster AIO Robot - RF remote
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - Proof of concept
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - NDEF and app
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - improvements
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - The right font for the display
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - Design data of the HMI shield
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - Using the ST X-NUCLEO-NFC02A1
- NFC-based Office Visitor Sign-In System for the non-iNDEF’ed** – PART 1 (Introduction & Installation)
- NOVSIS: the NFC-based Office Visitor Sign-In System – PART 2 (Unpacking the POC demo)
- How to connect an HD4470 character LCD to a microcontroller using just two wires I2C[UID=c4f9] by Hesam.M
Analog Devices
- Easy Peasy Non-Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) by mahmood.hassan
- Easy Peasy Non Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - No effect of Human Contact
- Easy Peasy Non Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - Works Behind Obstacles
- Easy Peasy Non-Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - With Tiny Probe Demo
- Easy Peasy Non Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - Ultra Sensitive Module
- Easy Peasy Non Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - Detect Broken Wire
- Easy Peasy Non Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - Easy Switch Position Detection
- Easy Peasy Non-Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - AC Voltage Detection
- Easy Peasy Non-Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - Switch Position Detection
- Easy Peasy Non-Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - Electric Field Detection
- Easy Peasy Non-Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - Magnetic Field Detection
Texas Instruments
- Building a poor man's quarter-wave 433MHz antenna: Introduction
- Building a poor man’s quarter-wave 433MHz antenna: Antenna’s construction
- Building a poor man’s quarter-wave 433MHz antenna: Comparing Antennae
- Building a poor man’s quarter-wave 433MHz antenna: Testing the antenna with ESP32 LoRa
- Tempus Fugit... Part 1: 1978 a.d.
- Tempus Fugit... Part 2: 2018 a.d.
- Tempus Fugit... Part 3: micro:bit Interfacing 5V Logic
- Tempus Fugit... Part 4: micro:bit 5V SPI
- AI Vision - iBox
- iBox: #2 Setting up the BB-AI
- iBox: #3 Is it a cat, a plane, a moth?
- iBox: #4 Summary of Project
- Simple Solar BOT ----Blog 1
- Simple Solar BOT ----Blog 2
- Simple Solar BOT ----Blog 3
- Simple Solar BOT ----Blog 4
- Simple Solar BOT Tragedy and Recovery ----Blog 5
- Simple Solar BOT ----Finale
- 3000A current clamp table and amplifier
- 3000A clamp table and amplifier update #1
- 3000A clamp table and amplifier update #2
Rohde & Schwarz
- 3000A current clamp table and amplifier
- 3000A clamp table and amplifier update #1
- 3000A clamp table and amplifier update #2
BK Precision
Autodesk Fusion 360
- My late (and incomplete) entry for the Portable Electronics Kit - The Pi-IDE (Pie-Eyed).
- The gradual progression of my Pi-IDE - my portable electronics / dev kit.
- The gradual progression of my Pi-IDE - my portable electronics / dev kit. Minor update.
- More gradual progression towards my Pi-IDE - Portable Electronics / Dev Kit
- The Penultimate Dev Kit PSU update (probably)!
- ARBot #1 : Testing the Concept of Augmented Reality (for Electronic Toys)
- ARBot #2 : Connecting the Angle Sensor to the Servo Motor
- ARBot #3 : The Augmented Reality Headset
- ARBot #4 : Adding the Orientation Sensor to the VR Goggles
- ARBot #5 : The Final Working (after a fashion) System
- Arduino in Test Instrumentation - Intro: SCPI Programmable Switch
- Arduino in Test Instrumentation - Part 1: SCPI Lib
- Arduino in Test Instrumentation - Part 2: Firmware
- Arduino in Test Instrumentation - Part 3a: LabVIEW Driver Intitialisation Block
- Arduino in Test Instrumentation - Part 3b: LabVIEW Driver Switch Control Block
- Arduino in Test Instrumentation - Part 3c: LabVIEW Driver Read Status Block
- Arduino in Test Instrumentation - Outro: LabVIEW Example
- OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: Intro
- OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: MATRIX Lite Python
- OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: OpenHAB 2 Exec Binding
- OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: OpenHAB 2 MQTT Binding
- OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: Everloop and demo
- OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: GPIO and Postmortem
- Holiday Lights and Music Festival With Love and Cheer
- Holiday Lights and Music Festival With Love and Cheer: Python and Wrapping Presents/Code/Applications
Visual Studio