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NXP Semiconductors
NXP Semiconductors
New Xtrinsic Touch Sensing Platform Offers a Smart Combination of Capacitive and Resistive Touch in a Single Chip
NXP Semiconductors requires membership for participation - click to join
3 Wireless Trends Redefining the Smart Home in 2021
6 Reasons Why Automotive OEMs Are Upgrading to Wi-Fi 6
A Revolution in the Internet of Things - RIoTboard is on stage
A tablet for everyone (video)
Agilent Technologies and Freescale collaborate to streamline development of ZigBee solutions
ARM Cortex-M0+ processor Overview [On-Demand Training]
Automotive Radar Evolves: NXP Fuels the Take-Over of Sensors with Our TEF810X Transceivers
Back to the Charge
Basic / Low Line Instrument Cluster*
Better Together: How 5G, Wi-Fi 6, UWB and NFC Are Creating Tomorrow’s Wireless Railways
Challenges of embedded Security in the age of Increasing Connectedness
ColdFire Microcontrollers
Designing with Freescale Seminar Series - June 26 (Warsaw, Poland)
Designing with Freescale Seminar Series - Oct 15 (Paris, Roland Garros)
Designing with Freescale TechDay, 10th November, Milton Keynes
Designing with Freescale, Istambul (Turkey) - June 4, 2014
Designing with Freescale, Paris (Rolland Garros), 14 oct
Designing with Freescale- TechnologieTag, Wien, 13.Sept- Hier anmelden / kostenfrei teilnehmen
Developer’s Serial Bootloader.~
Development Kit with S12 Based Relay Driver and LIN interface
Do you need inspiration for your future project ?
Don’t be puzzled, there’s plenty of Kinetis MCU types to go around
ESD Protection NFC DFN Antenna from NXP
Farnell: Designing with Freescale - Market Solution Seminar - 22.Sept Stuttgart
Find out how we're continuing to shrink the margin of error in next-generation automotive radar
Flexis QE128 Low Cost Demonstration Board
Flexis™︎ Microcontroller Family
FRDM-KL25Z & ARDUINO - Codewarrior Tutorial : Ultrasonic Ranging with the Freescale Freedom Board
FRDM-KL25Z & ARDUINO - Codewarrior Tutorial: Freescale Freedom Robot with Motor Shield & Ultrasonic Module
FRDM-KL25Z : how to operate it with the Arduino Motor Shield
Free Online Freescale Training: CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V10.0 - Adding Memory Monitors
Free online training: Design considerations for portable applications and solutions
Freescale Abendseminar mit Farnell: Kinetis Training& Workshops* 22.11. Zürich * 30.11. Karlsruhe
Freescale and OrCam transform the lives of the visually impaired
Freescale CodeWarrior for MCU10.3 beta - now available (tool for the Kinetis-L Freedom FRDM-KL25Z)
Freescale Cup Mexico 2012
Freescale expands Tower System offering with new, feature-rich modules
Freescale extends i.MX 6 series following strong market adoption of the portfolio
Freescale Freedom Development Platform for Kinetis KL1x and KL2x MCUs - mbed enabled!
Freescale i.MX 6 Series with ARM Cortex A9™︎ for Consumer and General Embedded
Freescale introduces industry's first multimode wireless base station processor family that scales from small to large cells
Freescale introduces intelligent sensor for car battery monitoring
Freescale introduces next-generation 8-bit microcontrollers with outstanding durability and reliability
Freescale introduces single-phase electricity meter reference design based on Kinetis microcontroller
Freescale introduces the first magnetometer in its Xtrinsic sensor portfolio
Freescale Kinetis K : The new generation of MCU with ARM Cortex-M4 core and enhanced peripherals
Freescale Kinetis L Series Microcontrollers Now Broadly Available
Freescale Kinetis-L Series : The world’s most energy-efficient MCUs with ARM Cortex-M0+ core
Freescale MC56F84xx : The ultimate DSC solution in performance and precision for energy-efficent innovation
Freescale MQX 4.1 Released
Freescale offers new i.MX53 multimedia products and development solutions
Freescale offers on-chip security features for prevention of automotive electronics tampering
Freescale Online (free) training: Writing Your First Freescale MQX™︎ Application
Freescale Online Training (Free): Industrial Control and Networking Solutions
Freescale powers into 2011 as the market share leader in eReaders
Freescale provides System Solutions for the Smart Grid
Freescale receives “Best Customer Support of the Year” award from Magneti Marelli Powertrain & Electronics
Freescale S08P : The new rugged 5V 8-bit Microcontroller family
Freescale SafeAssure program: Functional Safety, Simplified*
Freescale TechDays in Budapest, Bucharest & Brno... It's now!
Freescale Technology Forum (FTF) Americas 2014 - April 8-11, Dallas
Freescale Technology Forum (FTF) CHINA 2012*
Freescale Technology Forum - June 20-23, San Antonio (Texas)
Freescale Technology Forum - Registration now open!
Freescale Technology Forum 2012 (San Antonio): Abundance of Innovation
Freescale to finish development of 8 and 16bit microcontrollers~
Freescale Tower System: Elevate your design to the next level
Freescale Webinar Q&A "Changing the Direction of Embedded Design"
Freescale XTRINSIC : Accelerometer, Magnetometer, Pressure and Touch Sensors
Freescale Xtrinsic Sensor Fusion: Enabling a New Era of Innovation (video)
Freescale's Commitment to Quality (video)
Freescale's new industrial touch panel tech even works in the rain
Freescale: MC56F84xx means performance, precision and energy-efficent DSC
Freescale: S08P - The new rugged 5V 8-bit Microcontroller family
Freescale: XTRINSIC - Accelerometer, Magnetometer, Pressure and Touch Sensors
Freescale: Kinetis K, the new generation of MCU with ARM Cortex-M4 core and enhanced peripherals
Freescale: Tower System - Elevate your design to the next level
Freescale_Flexis™︎ Microcontroller Family
Freescale’s latest Kinetis microcontrollers set new standard for measurement and monitoring
Freescale’s latest Qorivva microcontrollers help automotive industry advance toward zero-fatality goal
FSLBOT : Freescale Mechatronics Training on Video
FSLBOT: Freescale Mechatronics Robot Overview
Future has arrived! Here's Freescale Nerfinator
Glow Compiler Optimizes Neural Networks for Low-Power NXP MCUs
Heterogeneous asymmetric multicore processing for always-connected design challenges
Hit and Myth: Righting the Wrongs Around UWB
How Do We Define A Safety Concept for a Traction Inverter?
Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) Inverter Controller*
i.MX6 SoloX, it's both ARM Cortex A9 and ARM Cortex M4 for more Security
Imagine Never Having to Change a SIM Again
Industry’s First MCU-based Implementation of Glow Neural Network Compiler for Machine Learning at the Edge
Innovative Design Drives Electric Vehicle Growth
Internet of Things: Security is still a major concern and 128-bit AES is enough!
Introducing the Freescale Freedom Development Platform FRDM-KL25Z
Introducing the Freescale Freedom Development Platform FRDM-KL25Z~
IoT/M2M 2014, Connecting the Next 50 billion: 30 oct, Freescale Glasgow
iPhone 5 full review: Finally, the iPhone we've always wanted
Jetzt anmelden! 22.9. Stuttgart - Designing with Freescale - Market Solution Seminar: Automotive, Industrie-, Medizin-, Netzwerktechnik
Kinetis K Selector Guide is available now
Kinetis L Series ARM®︎ Cortex™︎-M0+ MCUs Overview [On demand Training]
Kinetis L Series Tutorial - Touch-Sensing with Processor Expert [On-Demand Training]
Kinetis L Series: The World's Most Entertaining MCUs
Kinetis Series Overview
Learn more on the latest technologies for Automotive, Edge Processing, and Secure Connectivity
Let's discover NXP BlueBox : Autonomous Driving Development Platform
Lightyear Drives Solar Power to Global Success
Looking for more 32-bit options? … Start here
Low Cost Universal Motor Drive Using Freescale Kinetis-L family and FRDM-KL25Z board
Low Cost Universal Motor Drive Using Kinetis L family .~
Lowest Power Freescale MMA8491Q Xtrinsic Accelerometer [Product Launch, 7 November]
M2M 2013 event in UK (Glasgow) - Connecting the next 50 billion
MC9S08QD4 – A Little Bit with Cool Possibilities!
MCU control and monitor with Twitter~
Meet us at European Utility Week (Amsterdam, Oct 15), and discover our Smart Energy solutions
Need to design a demanding appliance / industrial applications ? Here are ColdFire MCF51AG128 microcontrollers
Neural Processing Brings Real-Time Decision Making to the Edge
New i.MX product family delivers performance, integration and energy efficiency required for next generation smart mobile devices
New Xtrinsic six-axis sensor from Freescale enriches mobile devices ~
New Xtrinsic Touch Sensing Platform Offers a Smart Combination of Capacitive and Resistive Touch in a Single Chip
New! Freescale online training: CodeWarrior Development Studio for Microcontrollers v10.0
New! Freescale online training: Industrial Control and Networking Trends and Roadmap
New! Freescale online training: Introduction to the Freescale Tower System and MQX™︎ RTOS
NXP Brings Its Automotive Design Expertise to 5nm Technology
NXP Secure UWB deployed in Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra Bringing the First UWB-Enabled Android Device to Market
OpenSDA debug interface (featured in the new Freescale FRDM-KL25Z board)
Portable Health Care reference design (video)
Preparing next-gen WLAN: more about 802.11ac, why 2.5 Gbps is critically important
Press Release - Freescale - Freescale delivers cost-effective, 8-bit MCU optimized for industrial and automotive motor control
Press Release - Freescale - Freescale helps energize the portable device market
PRESS RELEASE - Freescale - Freescale SC3850 DSP core earns highest BDTImark2000™︎ score to date
Press Release - Freescale- Freescale introduces 90nm thin film storage flash with FlexMemory for next-generation microcontrollers
Press Release - Freescale- Freescale MSC8155 digital signal processor boosts performance for wireless base station equipment
Press Release - Freescale- New Freescale processor helps lower costs and foster innovation for next-generation eReaders
Press Release - NXP - ABI Research Confirms NXP’s Leadership in Contactless IC Market
Press Release - NXP - Low-Cost Cortex-M0 MCU from NXP targets 8/16-bit applications
Press Release - NXP - NXP announces availability of ARM Cortex-M3 USB Microcontrollers
Press Release - NXP - NXP Earns “Outstanding Performance” Supplier Award from Sanmina-SCI Corporation
Press Release - NXP - NXP introduces ESD protection device for USB 3.0 and eSATA
Press Release - NXP - NXP Introduces GreenChip Resonant Controller With Integrated Power Factor Correction
Press Release - NXP - NXP launches new generation of highly efficient low VCEsat transistors
Press Release - NXP - NXP Licenses ARM Cortex™︎ - M4 Processor For 32-bit Microcontroller Signal Processing Applications
Press Release - NXP - NXP Semiconductors Announces High Speed Converter Interoperability / Interworking with Altera FPGAs
Press Release - NXP - NXP Semiconductors Announces High Speed Converter Interoperability / Interworking with Xilinx FPGAs
Press Release - NXP - NXP System Basis Chips Bring New Levels of Performance to In-Vehicle Networks
PRESS RELEASE - NXP - NXP to show the first fully integrated 45nm set top box soc based on ARM cortex - A9 processors
Press Release - NXP - NXP’s GreenChip Brings Energy Efficiency to Netbook Adapters
Press Release - NXP - NXP’s New 120 MHz ARM Cortex-M3 Microcontrollers Top DSP Benchmarks
Press Release - NXP - STMicroelectronics and NXP Announce Agreement for Licensing of Contactless MIFARE Technology
Press Release - NXP Semiconductors - NXP Sets New Benchmarks for LED Drivers
Preview Roadtest: Freescale FRDM-KL25Z development platform review for Kinetis L-Series MCUs
Push Forward With the i.MX 8X Applications Processor Family
Qorivva MPC564xL Family Fact Sheet - Safety with flexibility*
Rapid IoT Kit Mentioned on CNBC News!
Read this article on Face recognition and Learn how MCUs are changing the game !
Register today for Designing with Freescale Seminar - TechDay in Bucharest (Romania)
Robotic Arm - On-Demand Training - Webinar
Table ronde Freescale sur "Internet des Objets": le point sur les standards
Take your S12ZVML-MINIKIT for a test drive!
Tech First Kit-Freescale-ADS512101DIST-MPU Dev Kit
Tech First Kit-Freescale-DEMO9S08JM16-MCU-Demo
Tech First Kit-Freescale-DEMO9S08JS16-MCU-Demo Kit
Tech First Kit-Freescale-DEMO9S08QE32-MCU-Demo Board
Tech First Kit-Freescale-KIT3376MMA7361L-Sensor-Demo Kit
Tech First Kit-Freescale-M52210DEMO-MCU-Demo kit
Tech First Kit-Freescale-M52221DEMO-MCU-DVB
Tech First Kit-Freescale-MC56F8006DEMO-DSC-EVB
Tech First Kit-Freescale-MC56F8006DEMO-T-PROMO-DSC-EVK
Tech First Kit-Freescale-MCIMX23LEVKJ-ARM-Demo Kit
Tech First Kit-Freescale-MCIMX25LPDKJ-MPU-Dev Kit
Tech First Kit-Freescale-MCIMX25WPDKJ-MPU-Dev Kit
Tech First Kit-Freescale-MCIMX35LPDKJ-MCU-Dev Kit
Tech First Kit-Freescale-MPC5534EVBE-MCU-Demo Kit
Tech First Kit-Freescale-MPC5566EVB-MCU-Demo Kit
Tech First Kit-Freescale-MPC8360E-RDK-MPU-Dev Kit
Tech First Kit-Freescale-RD3803MMA7660FC-Accelerometer-Dev Kit
The BlueBox 3.0 - Platform for Safe Automotive High-Performance Computing
The era of connected intelligence: Managing your health & home energy (video)
The Era of Connected Intelligence: Mobile Computing Processors (video)
The new Freescale + Oracle collaboration on the ‘one box’ platform for the Internet of Things (Part 2)
The Role of Battery Management in Electric Vehicles
The Safety Behind Connected Vehicles
Three Ways RAIN RFID Enables Smarter Vehicle Manufacturing
Tutorial: Accelerating the Freescale FRDM-KL25Z Freedom Board
Tutorial: Enlightning the Freescale Freedom FRDM-KL25Z Board
Tutorial: Freescale FRDM-KL25Z with FreeRTOS and Kinetis-L (ARM Cortex-M0+)
Tutorial: Touching the Freescale Freedom FRDM-KL25Z Board (ARM Cortex-M0+)
Unveiling the Latest Breakthroughs That Anticipate and Automate Our World at CES 2021
USB DFU boot loader for MCUs~
Using Kinetis K53 Amplifiers for Connecting Thermocouple and Thermistor Devices~
UWB for Social Distancing: Take the Guesswork Out of Staying Safe
Video: Freescale Processor Expert (tool for the Kinetis-L Freedom FRM-KL25Z)
Video: How innovation happens: Kinetis: A Holistic Approach to Power Reduction / Freescale
Virtualization and AUTOSAR Classic Platform—A Possible Tandem?
Want to meet our metering experts? Join us at Smart Grid Paris on June 4
We Have Added Two New Click Boards!
Wearable Platform kit to ease development of wearable devices : WaRPBoard
What type of Kinetis MCU are you?
What’s Next for Border Crossings?
Writing your First MQXLite Application with Freescale Kinetis-L family and FRDM-KL25Z board
Writing your First MQXLite Application~
XL Star - In association with element14
Xtrinsic MLP3115 A2 is the embedded Award 2012 Winner (Hardware category)
[Event]: Designing with Freescale - Warsaw 18 June 2015
[Event]: Meet Freescale in Istanbul for your next DwF (May 15)
[Review] FRDM-K20D50M : first Freedom Board for the Kinetis-K MCUs serie (ARM Cortex-M4)
[Roadtest] i.MX6Q Sabre Lite - read the reviews
[Roadtest] Xtrinsic Accelerometer Cube Demo started Apr 8 until Apr 29!
[Sensors]: Xtrinsic Intelligent Sensor Hub Integrates Programmability and Precision in a Single Package
[Trick & Tips] Pin and Signal List with Freescale Processor Expert
[Tutorial] A Shell for the Freescale FRDM-KL25Z Freedom Board
[Tutorial] Completing the Freescale FRDM-KL25Z Freedom Board
[Tutorial] How to use the OpenSDA on the Freescale FRDM-KL25Z Freedom Board
[Tutorial] Unsecuring the Freescale FRDM-KL25Z Freedom Board
[Tutorial] USB CDC with the Freescale FRDM-KL25Z Freedom Board
[Tutorial] USB Host Mode Hack for the Freescale FRDM-KL25Z Board
[Tutorial]: Codewarrior tutorial for FRDM-KL25Z: zero cost 84x48 Graphical LCD for Freescale Freedom Board
[Tutorial]: Freescale FRDM-KL05Z, a new Freedom Board for the Kinetis-L MCUs serie (ARM Cortex-M0+)
[video] Get Started with the SABRE Board for Smart Devices Based on the i.MX 6 Series
[video] I.MX6 SoloLite: Enabling next-generation EPD device
[video] Introduction to TWR-56F8200
[video] Kinetis KV5x Family of MCU
[video] Kinetis L Series MCUs Built on the ARM Cortex-M0+ Core: What is the Plus For?
[video] Kinetis L Series: The world's most entertaining MCUs
[Video] Kinetis MCU Portfolio Overview Video
[Video] MQX Enablement Overview
[Video] Power Management Simulation and Validation Tools ISO26262
[Video]: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) / Freescale's Safe Eye on the Road
[video]: Camera Zoom Driven by Freescale MC34933 Low-Voltage H-Bridge Motor Driver
[Video]: Comparing i.MX6 DualPlus and i.MX6 QuadPlus
[Video]: Farnell RIoTboard is alive
[video]: Freescale Addresses Challenges of Designing for the IoT
[video]: Freescale Celebrates 50 Billion with ARM
[video]: Freescale Enablement Video Library: FRDM Overview video
[video]: Freescale Enables the Internet of Things through its IoT Gateway
[Video]: Freescale Kinetis KL03 MCU - ARM Cortex-M0+ processor
[video]: Freescale MMPF0100 and MMPF0200 Power Managment ICs
[video]: Freescale Sensors and Intelligent Algorithms for Medical Equipment
[video]: Freescale Xtrinsic Intelligent Sensing Software (ISF) Training Module 1: Installing the Necessary Software
[video]: Freescale Xtrinsic Intelligent Sensing Software (ISF) Training Module 2: Installing an ISF Binary
[video]: Integrated Braking Chip for Motorcycle ABS
[video]: Kinetis M series MCUs One-Phase Power Meter Reference Design Introduction
[video]: Kinetis Mini MCUs Interview
[Video]: Kinetis Mini MCUs, Bigger is not always Better
[video]: Lighting Reference Design Featuring eXtreme Switch
[Video]: Linux Embedded Challenge
[video]: Power Management Simulation and Validation Tools
[video]: Register now for FTF Americas 2014 (Dallas, Texas, 8-11 Apr 2014)
[video]: SABRE for the Automotive Infotainment
[Video]: Start with the SABRE Platform for Smart Devices Based on the i.MX 6 Series
[video]: Xtrinsic Pressure Sensors
[Webinar] Energy Efficient Designs Made Simple with the Rich Enablement of Freescale’s Kinetis L Series Microcontrollers
CodeWarrior Development Studio for MPC55xx/MPC56xx (Classic IDE)*
New Xtrinsic Touch Sensing Platform Offers a Smart Combination of Capacitive and Resistive Touch in a Single Chip
Creation Date
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Current Revision
9 Nov 2021 5:04 PM
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