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There's still time to submit your Remote Monitoring & Control project!
- Build projects involving remote monitoring for devices that are not easily accessible (not necessarily with radio communication), for example battery powered devices made to last as long as possible
Submit your project from now until anytime on August 14th to have your project featured here!
You will be judged on the basis of the following criteria:
- Follow the Steps - Did they provide the steps it took to complete the project (text, video, or images) and/or schematics.
- Submit Video Proof - Did they post a video proof of their project?
- Stick to the Theme - How well did the project stick to the theme of the competition?
- Demonstrate Originality - Did they come up with a clever name for their project? Or did they introduce something new or that is not commercially available?
The Projects:
Fuzzy Plant Watering System by BigG:
- Plant a seed and watch it grow... (Part 1: background to the original fuzzy plant watering system)
- Plant a seed and watch it grow... (Part 2: grafting in a new branch called mDash)
- Plant a seed and watch it grow... (Part 3: presenting a new unfuzzy creation, well almost)
Fuzzy Plant Watering System | |
Assaulting the Cloud: Uploading Fitness Data to IoT by andyforeverest:
- Assaulting the cloud: uploading fitness data to IoT
- Assaulting the cloud: uploading fitness data to IoT (part II)
Assaulting the Cloud: Uploading Fitness Data to IoT | |
LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) by ralphjy:
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - Introduction
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - Initial RSSI Tests
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - Need to use a bigger case
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - Case Layout
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - GPS is Working
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - Temperature Sensor Working
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - Case Assembly Part 1
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - Assembly Complete
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - Conclusion
LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) | |
Big Petro Maker Magic: $100 Datalogger That Can Save Millions by Sean_Miller:
Big Petro Maker Magic: $100 Datalogger That Can Save Millions | |
Smarthab: Remote Sensing & Control by phoenixcomm:
- Smarthab: Remote Sensing and Control .I
- Smarthab: Remote Sensing and Control .ii Environmental Controls
- Smarthab: Remote Sensing and Control .iii Sensors
- Smarthab: Remote Sensing and Control .iv Software Design
- Smarthab: Remote Sensing and Control .iv DHT-11 Testing (video log)
Smarthab: Remote Sensing & Control | |
Combined homebrew and irrigation controller using Node Red by lawsonkeith:
Combined homebrew and irrigation controller using Node Red | |
Solar Panel Monitoring Using Particle Photon by ruchir1674:
Solar Panel Monitoring Using Particle Photon | |
CatDogFoxBot by dubbie:
- CatDogFoxBot #1 : My Initial Idea
- CatDogFoxBot #2 : System Design and Gathering the Components
- CatDogFoxBot #3 : The Step Motor Scanner is Working
- CatDogFoxBot #4 : GridEye Sensor is Connected and Working
- CatDogFoxBot #5 : Collecting Some Temperature Data
- CatDogFoxBot #6 : Trying out an Artificial Neural Network
- CatDogFoxBot # 7 : GridEye and Artificial Neural Network Combined
- CatDogFox #8 : No Cats but Some Nice Legs
CatDogFoxBot | |
Air Quality Monitoring Using Particle Photon by ruchir1674:
Air Quality Monitoring Using Particle Photon | |
Micro Monster - Succulent Plants Monitoring System by mahmood.hassan:
- Micro Monster - Succulent Plants Monitoring System (part-1)
- Micro Monster - Succulent Plants Monitoring System (part-2) Establishing A Secure Connection
- PSoC 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT) - Remote Reset Over Secured MQTT Connection
- PSoC 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT) - External Flash
- Temperature and Humidity Sensor (DHT22) Interfacing with PSoC6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit
- Micro Monster - Succulent Plants Monitoring System (part-6) Final Testing and Demo
Micro Monster - Succulent Plants Monitoring System | |
Hydroponics and outdoor garden control and monitor using Intel Edison by ipv1:
Hydroponics and outdoor garden control and monitor using Intel Edison | |