When Iron Man came out, it certainly had an influence on the maker scene - definitely on Dave. He has decided to finally 3D print the files for a Mark 2/3 helmet found on the internet and upgrade the print with not one but two self made head-up displays! He talks us through the problems he encountered setting up the displays to work and finally install the lenses and displays into the faceplate. Anyone can do lights and servos, but can your helmet tell you what direction you’re flying to and what your altitude is, based on a humidity sensor? Let’s find out if Dave can do it.
Bill of Material:
Product Name | Manufacturer | Quantity | Buy Kit |
PowerBoost 1000. LiPo Battery Charger | Adafruit | 1 | Buy Now |
Additional Parts:
Product Name |
2x 0.96 Inch Display ST7735S RGB 160x80 |
2x Fresnel lens 50mm radius, 80mm focal length, used for google cardboard VR goggles |
Any ESP32 board, like the dev-kit boards |
BMP280 sensor board |
MPU9250 sensor board |