Flaming Xylophone Rubens' Tube
element14 Presents | Derek Brodeur's VCP Profile | Project Videos
The Rubens Tube is a classic physics demonstration which shows how standing waves are generated within a resonant system. In this video we take that demonstration to the next level by adding a Xylophone interface which changes the driving frequency and creates varying flame patterns when struck. We introduce a method of capturing a drum hit and safely feeding it to a micro controller’s input as well as how to create sine waves from a pulse width modulated signal.
Bill of Material:
Product Name | Manufacturer | Quantity | Buy KitBuy Kit |
2.7v Zener diode | 1N5223B1N5223B | 8 | Buy NowBuy Now |
Piezo Element | MCFT-27T-4.2A1-126MCFT-27T-4.2A1-126 | 8 | Buy NowBuy Now |
LM324 Op amp | LM324N/NOPBLM324N/NOPB | 1 | Buy NowBuy Now |
100k Resistors | MCF 0.25W 100K | 8 | Buy NowBuy Now |
1k Resistor (substitute for 800ohm in low pass filter) | MCF 0.25W 1K | 1 | Buy NowBuy Now |
0.1uF capacitor | C320C104K5R5TAC320C104K5R5TA | 2 | Buy NowBuy Now |
Additional Parts:
Product Name |
Custom development board (based on Microchip dsPIC33FJ128MC804) |
4” diameter Steel tubing (frame) |
4” full range speaker |
Latex membrane |
UHMW plastic plate (xylophone) |