Project Archive: Arduino | Pi / micro:bit / BB | Hardware / Software | Categories | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017
January 2019: Home Automation
- Home Automation Mojo You Must Know Part 1 by Sean_Miller
- Home Automation Mojo You Must Know Part 2: Notification
- Home Automation Mojo You Must Know Part 3: Environmental Awareness
- Home Automation Mojo You Must Know Part 4: Actuation
- Home Automation Mojo You Must Know Part 5: The House Hub
- Kitchen Lighting System Phase 2 by genebren
- Kitchen Lighting System Phase 2 - Part 2
- Kitchen Lighting System Phase 2 - PCBs have arrived!
- Kitchen Lighting System Phase 2 - part 3 - Let there be (better) light!
- Kitchen Lighting System Phase 2 - PCBs, Schematics and new sensor module.
- Kitchen Light System Phase 2 - Drowning in EnOcean...
- Kitchen Lighting System Phase 2 - Wrap up
- SERA - Smart Extension Relay with Alexa - powered by MATRIX Creator and Arduino MKR1000 by dixonselvan
- OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: Intro by jomoenginer
- OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: MATRIX Lite Python
- OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: OpenHAB 2 Exec Binding
- OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: OpenHAB 2 MQTT Binding
- OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: Everloop and demo
- OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: GPIO and Postmortem
February 2019: Electromagnetism
- One String Electric guitar #1 : Getting Started by dubbie
- One String Electric Guitar # 2 : Building the Guitar
- One String Electric Guitar #3 : Completing the Prototype
- One String Electric Guitar #4 : Making the Final Guitar Body
- One String Electric Guitar #5 : Assembling the Final Guitar Body
- One String Electric Guitar #6 : Final Assembly and Working Guitar
- 3000A current clamp table and amplifier by three-phase
- 3000A clamp table and amplifier update #1
- 3000A clamp table and amplifier update #2
- Easy Peasy Non-Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) by mahmood.hassan
- Easy Peasy Non Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - No effect of Human Contact
- Easy Peasy Non Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - Works Behind Obstacles
- Easy Peasy Non-Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - With Tiny Probe Demo
- Easy Peasy Non Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - Ultra Sensitive Module
- Easy Peasy Non Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - Detect Broken Wire
- Easy Peasy Non Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - Easy Switch Position Detection
- Easy Peasy Non-Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - AC Voltage Detection
- Easy Peasy Non-Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - Switch Position Detection
- Easy Peasy Non-Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - Electric Field Detection
- Easy Peasy Non-Contact Electricity Detector (Not a Metal Detector) - Magnetic Field Detection
March 2019: IoT: In the Cloud
- Irrigation Sprinkler Controller - Project Plan by ralphjy
- Irrigation Sprinkler Controller - Hardware Interface Design
- Irrigation Sprinkler Controller - Design Considerations
- Irrigation Sprinkler Control - HDMI Display Test with tkinter GUI
- Irrigation Sprinkler Controller - GUI Design
- Irrigation Sprinkler Control - Finishing Up
- Irrigation Sprinkler Control - Cayenne Dashboard and MQTT messaging
- Irrigation Sprinkler Control - Testing the Relay Interface
- Arduino IoT Cloud controlled MKR Robot ARM: We have Movement by jomoenginer
- Arduino IoT Cloud controlled MKR Robot ARM: Das Blinken LED
- The Windchillator - Introduction and Project Plan by bernhardmayer
- The Windchillator - Arduino IoT Cloud and visualization
- The Windchillator - Reducing the sleep current of the Arduino MKR WIFI 1010 to 800 uA
- Manage Arduino MKR WIFI 1010 Battery Life in the Cloud - How Long until the Next Recharge? by Jan Cumps
- Arduino MKR WIFI 1010 and Amazon Web Services: Safe MQTT with SSL and Certificate
- Keithley DMM6500: Measure Amp-Hours of an Arduino MKR WIFI 1010
- Manage Arduino MKR WIFI 1010 Battery Life in the Cloud - AWS, Graphs and Alerts
- Arduino MKR 10xx, ETH Shield and Amazon Web Services: Safe MQTT with SSL and Certificate
April 2019: Month of Robots
- SuperRobot #1 : Getting Started by dubbie
- SuperRobot #2 : The Wrong Wheels
- SuperRobot # 3 : Motor Drive Interface Now Just About Working
- SuperRobot #4 : Putting it Together
- SuperRobot #5 : The End!
- NVIDIA Jetson Nano by jomoenginer
- NVIDIA Jetson Nano: JetBot Intro
- NVIDIA Jetson Nano: JetBot Assemble
- NVIDIA Jetson Nano: Collision Avoidance
- BBC MicroBit Robot Bonanza by ipv1
- Two Wheels Self Balancing Robot- By Mitul Takiar and Deepak Bhatia
- Line Follower Class
- Students and Line Following Robots
- How to make a Codebug Line Follower Robot
- How to build a BBC micro bit Robot project part 1
- How to make a BBC Micro Bit Line Follower robot Part 2
- Bbc micro bit remote controlled robot
- Using the MeArm robotic arm to test battery life in the Dirty Smart Button by aspork42
- Month of Robots - MeArm test update
April 2019: NFC/RFID
- LockNFC - PCB design by Fred27
- LockNFC - Does the PCB work?
- NFC antenna tuning without a VNA
- LockNFC - enclosure
- LockNFC - firmware
- LockNFC - garage door operation
- LockNFC - front door
- NFC-based Office Visitor Sign-In System for the non-iNDEF’ed** – PART 1 (Introduction & Installation) by BigG
- NOVSIS: the NFC-based Office Visitor Sign-In System – PART 2 (Unpacking the POC demo)
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - Proof of concept by bernhardmayer
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - NDEF and app
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - improvements
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - The right font for the display
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - Design data of the HMI shield
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - Using the ST X-NUCLEO-NFC02A1
May 2019: Programmable Logic
- VidorScout - MKR Vidor 4000 Mobile Robot: Intro by jomoenginer
- VidorScout - MKR Vidor 4000 Mobile Robot: VidorBitstream compile
- VidorScout - MKR Vidor 4000 Mobile Robot: Camera QR Code Recognition
- VidorScout - MKR Vidor 4000 Mobile Robot: Assembly and Test
- bb-cpld - a robotics expansion board for the BeagleBone Black with an Altera MAX II EPM1270 by bernhardmayer
June 2019: Remote Monitoring & Control
- Combined homebrew and irrigation controller using Node Red by lawsonkeith
- Raspberry Pi Homebrew controller with Node Red UI
- Raspberry Pi Home Irrigation system using Node Red
- CatDogFoxBot #1 : My Initial Idea by dubbie
- CatDogFoxBot #2 : System Design and Gathering the Components
- CatDogFoxBot #3 : The Step Motor Scanner is Working
- CatDogFoxBot #4 : GridEye Sensor is Connected and Working
- CatDogFoxBot #5 : Collecting Some Temperature Data
- CatDogFoxBot #6 : Trying out an Artificial Neural Network
- CatDogFoxBot # 7 : GridEye and Artificial Neural Network Combined
- CatDogFox #8 : No Cats but Some Nice Legs
- Smarthab: Remote Sensing and Control .I by phoenixcomm
- Smarthab: Remote Sensing and Control .ii Environmental Controls
- Smarthab: Remote Sensing and Control .iii Sensors
- Smarthab: Remote Sensing and Control .iv Software Design
- Smarthab: Remote Sensing and Control .iv DHT-11 Testing (video log)
- Assaulting the cloud: uploading fitness data to IoT by andyforeverest
- Assaulting the cloud: uploading fitness data to IoT (part II)
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - Introduction by ralphjy
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - Need to use a bigger case
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - GPS is Working
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - Initial RSSI Tests
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - Case Layout
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - Temperature Sensor Working
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - Case Assembly Part 1
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - Assembly Complete
- LoRa Experimental Environmental Sensors (LoRaXes) - Conclusion
- Plant a seed and watch it grow... (Part 1: background to the original fuzzy plant watering system) by BigG
- Plant a seed and watch it grow... (Part 2: grafting in a new branch called mDash)
- Micro Monster - Succulent Plants Monitoring System (part-1) by mahmood.hassan
- Micro Monster - Succulent Plants Monitoring System (part-2) Establishing A Secure Connection
- PSoC
6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT) - Remote Reset Over Secured MQTT Connection
- PSoC
6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT) - External Flash
- Temperature and Humidity Sensor (DHT22) Interfacing with PSoC6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit
- Micro Monster - Succulent Plants Monitoring System (part-6) Final Testing and Demo
- PSoC
6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit - Building an IOT Project
- PSoC
6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit - CapSense Tuner using Cypress PSoC Creator
- PSoC
6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit - Hello World using Cypress PSoC Creator
- PSoC
6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit - Blink LED using Cypress PSoC Creator
- PSoC
6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit - Read ADC (Ambient Light Sensor) using Cypress PSoC Creator
July 2019: Electronic Toys
- ARBot #1 : Testing the Concept of Augmented Reality (for Electronic Toys) by dubbie
- ARBot #2 : Connecting the Angle Sensor to the Servo Motor
- ARBot #3 : The Augmented Reality Headset
- ARBot #4 : Adding the Orientation Sensor to the VR Goggles
- ARBot #5 : The Final Working (after a fashion) System
- DIY Smartphone controlled tiny plane as weekend project for children and parents by ravi_butani
- Smart Phone controlled Plane - Aeromodelling Club MEFGI
- DIY Tiny WiFi Plane less than 15 USD Electronics Build Log
- DIY WiFi Plane - ESP12e Firmware Upload
- WiFi plane Airframe build log
- DIY WiFi Plane Android app test
- DIY WiFi Plane - Android App Installation
- DIY WiFi Plane - Crazy Flying
- WiFi controlled RC Airplane - ESP8266
August 2019: Energy Harvesting
- Revisiting the Cypress S6SAE101A00SA1002 Solar Powered IoT Device Kit by BigG
- Meet Edward Solar Stone – it measures and transmits UV, Temperature & Humidity data using the Eddystone beacon messaging format
September 2019: Vision Thing
- Light Dependant Resistor Camera LDRCam) by dubbie
- LDR Camera #2 : Adding an 8x8 Dot Matrix LED Display
- LDR Camera #3 : Trying to make a Grey Scale LED matrix Display
- LDR Camera #4 : The BeagleBone AI has Landed
- LDR Camera #5 : A 64-to-4 Analogue Multiplexer
- LDR Camera #6 : Starting to Implement the Whole Camera System
- LDR Camera #7 : 98% Working
- LDR Camera #8 : Fully Working Camera
- LDR Camera #9 : Starting the BeagleBone AI
- LDR Camera #10 : The Artificial Neural Network (SimonnV5)
- Vision Thing: Smarthab: Facial Recognition .i by phoenixcomm
- Vision Thing: Smarthab Facial Recognition .ii
- Vision Thing: Smarthab Facial Recognition .iii RANT
- Smarthab: Facial Recognition. iv Progress & 3d
- Vision Thing: Smarthab Facial Recognition .iv Baby Steps
- Smarthab: Facial Recognition. v It's Alive!
- Smarthab: Facial Recognition. vi Taming of the Shrew part 1.
- Smarthab: Facial Recognition. v Cleaning up power etc.
- Smarthab: Facial Recognition ix. Last Ditch Attempt.
- AI Vision - iBox by 14rhb
- iBox: #2 Setting up the BB-AI
- iBox: #3 Is it a cat, a plane, a moth?
- iBox: #4 Summary of Project
- AI_Lock - DIY with BeagleBone AI in four hours by fyaocn
- First of All, Tame the roaming beast, BBB AI.
- BBAI Seein' Around Corners, Talkin', IoT Exploitin' Backup Car Cam with Onboard Vision AI by Sean_Miller
- BeagleBone AI Survival Guide V3.18: PWM, I2C, Analog/Digital Read/Write, Vision AI, Video Text Overlays, Audio, & Hardware
October 2019: Animatronics
November 2019: Makevember
November 2019: RF (Radio Frequency)
- The specified item was not found. by rsjawale24
- The specified item was not found.
- Antenna Radiation by kmikemoo
- Antenna Radiation - Phase 1
- Antenna Radiation - Phase 2
- Antenna Radiation - Phase 3
- Building a poor man's quarter-wave 433MHz antenna: Introduction by gecoz
- Building a poor man’s quarter-wave 433MHz antenna: Antenna’s construction
- Building a poor man’s quarter-wave 433MHz antenna: Comparing Antennae
- Building a poor man’s quarter-wave 433MHz antenna: Testing the antenna with ESP32 LoRa
- ArduTrx - a 2-meter-band ham radio transceiver with Arduino by bernhardmayer
- ArduTrx Update: Open Source Hardware and professional PCB
- ArduTrx Update: new HF modules and better documentation
- 6.25 Watt Hamradio Dummy Load
- ArduTrx with Arduino MKR
December 2019: Holiday Special 19
- Christmas Spirit Meter by garengllc
- Christmas Spirit Crank
- Christmas Spirit-tron updated schematic (Christmas Spirit Meter)
- Christmas Spirit-tron videos (Christmas Spirit Meter)
- Christmas Spirit-tron Summary
Contributors: Sean_Miller, genebren, milosrasic98, dixonselvan, jomoenginer, luislabmo, fyaocn, phoenixcomm, aspork42, vimarsh_, carmelito, jw0752, dubbie, dougw, three-phase, abg123, shabaz, ralphjy, nishanchettri, rsc, balearicdynamics, fmilburn, bernhardmayer, ruchir1674, nikhilstephen, aabhas, kk99, Jan Cumps, ninjatrent, samreen.islam, sfrebelo, sakshambhutani, ipv1, nishanchettri, Fred27, michail, BigG, koudelad, toolkitman, daniloo94, alisterw, avnrdf, lawsonkeith, andyforeverest, ralphjy, armour999, connormiller, ravi_butani, 14rhb, pratyush_cetb, Workshopshed, weiwei2, neuromodulator, kurst811, skywalker1211, gam3t3ch, robogary, matrixlabs , easyejl, Gough Lui, kmikemoo, rsjawale24, gecoz, station240, eivholt, shivamgpl8824tiwari, cypresstwist, majanan, ptoth, garengllc, deolee, sharkat
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