Arduino Project Blogs and Project Videos: Classic Boards
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Arduino Starter Kit
- Element14's Arduino Starter Kit Competition by 14rhb
- Project 01: Get to Know Your Tools
- Project 02: Spaceship Interface
- Element14's Arduino Starter Kit Competition - Part 1
- Project 03: Love-o-Meter
- Element14's Arduino Starter Kit Competition - Part 2
- Project 04: Color Mixing Lamp
- Project 05: Mood Cue
- Element14's Arduino Starter Kit Competition - Part 3
- Project 06: Light Theremin
- Project 07: Keyboard Instrument
- Project 08: Digital Hour Glass
- Element14's Arduino Starter Kit Competition - Part 4
- Project 09: Motorized Pinwheel
- Project 10: Zoetrope
- Element14's Arduino Starter Kit Competition - Part 5 (motor fun)
- Project 11: Crystal Ball
- Project 12: Knock Lock
- Element14's Arduino Starter Kit Competition - Part 6
- Project 13: Touch-feely Lamp
- Project 14: Tweak the Arduino Logo
- Element14's Arduino Starter Kit Competition - Part 7
- Project 15: Hacking Buttons
- Element14's Arduino Starter Kit Competition - Final Part and Conclusions
- Project 01: Get to Know Your Tools
- Project 02: Spaceship Interface
- Project 03: Love -o-Meter
- Project 04: Color Mixing Lamp
- Project 05: Mood Cue
- Project 6: Light Theremin
- Project 07: Keyboard Instrument
- Project 7 Keyboard Instrument
- Project 08: Digital Hour Glass
- Project 09: Motorized Pinwheel
- Project 10: Zoetrope
- The Learning Circuit 11: Intro to Arduino by makerkaren
- The Learning Circuit 12: Arduino Starter Kit: Spaceship Interface
Arduino Uno
- Arduino: R-2R Experiment by jc2048
- Arduino: R-2R: Sine On You Crazy Diamond
- Arduino: R-2R: Buffer, Attenuate, and Filter
- Arduino: R-2R: "We Interrupt This Programme..."
- Arduino: R-2R: "Resistance is..."?
- Arduino: R-2R: Setting the Output Frequency
- Arduino: R-2R; "A Sweep is as Lucky, as Lucky Can Be..."
- Arduino: R-2R: Setting the Signal Amplitude
- A Simple Arduino Music Box by jc2048
- Simple Arduino Music Box: Voices
- Simple Arduino Music Box: Chords
- Simple Arduino Music Box: Envelopes
- Simple Arduino Music Box: Chimes
- 555cc
- Using the MeArm robotic arm to test battery life in the Dirty Smart Button by aspork42
- Month of Robots - MeArm test update
- LED Firework Suite - the details by 14rhb
- LED Fireworks - Festive Lights 2018
- LED Fireworks - Happy New Year
- Peter the Pumpkin by 14rhb
- Peter the Pumpkin - pt2
- Peter the Pumpkin pt3
- Peter the Pumpkin - pt4 (ready to Share the Scare)
- Peter the Pumpkin (part 5 - final thoughts)
- Arduino Powered MSE-6 (Mouse Droid) by jomoenginer
- Arduino Powered MSE-6 (Mouse Droid) - Arduino Yun UI
- Arduino Powered MSE-6 (Mouse Droid) - Arduino Uno and FreeRTOS
- Arduino Powered MSE-6 (Mouse Droid) - Droid in Action
- Arduino Powered MSE-6 (Mouse Droid) – Arduino Code
- Simple Solar BOT ----Blog 1 by snidhi
- Simple Solar BOT ----Blog 2
- Simple Solar BOT ----Blog 3
- Simple Solar BOT ----Blog 4
- Simple Solar BOT Tragedy and Recovery ----Blog 5
- Simple Solar BOT ----Finale
- 3D Printer Filament Automatic Dispenser for Arduino - #1 Design and Hardware by balearicdynamics
- 3D Printer Filament Automatic Dispenser for Arduino - #2 Connection and Software
- Arduino in Test Instrumentation - Intro: SCPI Programmable Switch by Jan Cumps
- Arduino in Test Instrumentation - Part 1: SCPI Lib
- Arduino in Test Instrumentation - Part 2: Firmware
- Arduino in Test Instrumentation - Part 3a: LabVIEW Driver Intitialisation Block
- Arduino in Test Instrumentation - Part 3b: LabVIEW Driver Switch Control Block
- Arduino in Test Instrumentation - Part 3c: LabVIEW Driver Read Status Block
- Arduino in Test Instrumentation - Outro: LabVIEW Example
- ArduTrx - a 2-meter-band ham radio transceiver with Arduino by bernhardmayer
- ArduTrx Update: Open Source Hardware and professional PCB
- ArduTrx Update: new HF modules and better documentation
- 6.25 Watt Hamradio Dummy Load
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - Proof of concept by bernhardmayer
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - NDEF and app
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - improvements
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - The right font for the display
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - Design data of the HMI shield
- NFC-Badge - Update your badge with your smartphone - Using the ST X-NUCLEO-NFC02A1
- The specified item was not found. by samyakjain
- Automated Green House Blog:5 - Vision Based Feeder Information
- Automated Green House Blog:6 - Raspbery Pi and OpenCv the Easy Way
- Automated Green House Blog:7 - Arduino Temperature Compensating Feeder
- Automated Green House Blog:8 - Water Usage
- Automated Green House Blog:8.1 - Water Usage [LCD and Uno]
- Automated Green House Blog:8.2 - Water Meter Calibration
- Automated Green House Blog:9 - Some Generic Arduino Tricks - SRam - UpTime
- Automated Green House Blog:9.1 - Updated uptime counter
- Automated Green House Blog:9.2 - Arduino EEPROM [Has it ever been written]
- Automated Green House Blog:9.3 - Tip for trimming arduino If statement times
- Automated Green House Blog:10 - Three Dollar EC PPM Meter for MCU
- Automated Green House Blog:10.9 - EC Projects Using Cheap EC Implementation
- Automated Green House Blog:11 - Self Optimising Automated Nutrient Doser
- Automated Green House Blog:13.2 - PH Control: Measurement Portion
- Automated Green House Blog:13.3 - PH Control: PH Probe LCD Readout + Gui
- Automated Green House Blog:14 - CO2: Measurement
- Automated Green House Blog:15 - When Things Go Wrong
- Automated Green House Blog:17 - Automated Soil Moisture Measurement
- Automated Green House Blog:17.2 - Prolonging Probe Life
- Automated Green House Blog:18.1 - On-line Data Logging [data.sparkfun]
- Automated Green House Blog:18.2 - Data Logging: SD Card
- Automated Green House Blog:18.3 - On line data Viewer [arduino, Ethernet]
- Automated Green House Blog:18.4 - Combining ALL Three Logs
- Automated Green House Blog:20.1 - Toying with Chemical Analysis - Essential Nutrients
- Automated Green House Blog:20.2 - Toying with Chemical Analysis - pH
- Automated Green Blog:25 - Growing: Planting Seeds and Experimentation
- Automated Green Blog:30.3 - Collaboration: Vertical Farming Association
- Blog:40.1 - Laser Cut Aquaponics Overview Infographics
- Automated Green House Blog:901 - Honey Extractor Electrification
Arduino Duemilanove
- Process Duration Timer Blog 1 (The Timer) by jw0752
- Process Duration Timer Part 2 (Power Supply)
- Process Duration Timer Part 3 (Interfaces)
- Process Duration Timer Part (4) The Brain and Proof of Concept
- Process Duration Timer (Final Chapter) Assembly and Testing
Arduino Mega
- Plant a seed and watch it grow... (Part 1: background to the original fuzzy plant watering system) by BigG
- Plant a seed and watch it grow... (Part 2: grafting in a new branch called mDash)
- Automated Cable Test System .. part 1 by phoenixcomm
- Automated Cable Test System .. part 2
- Automated Cable Test System .. part 3
- Automated Cable Test System .. part 4
- Automated Cable Test System .. part 5
- Automated Cable Test System .. part 6
- Automated Cable Test System .. part 7
- Smarthab: Remote Sensing and Control .I by phoenixcomm
- Smarthab: Remote Sensing and Control .ii Environmental Controls
- Smarthab: Remote Sensing and Control .iii Sensors
- Smarthab: Remote Sensing and Control .iv Software Design
- Smarthab: Remote Sensing and Control .iv DHT-11 Testing (video log)
- Automated Green House Blog:1 - Motivation by m.ratcliffe
- Automated Green House Blog:2 - The Youtube Walkaround
- Automated Green House Blog:3 - Fish Feeding of the Future
- Automated Green House Blog:4 - Building an automated feeder
- Automated Green House Blog:5 - Vision Based Feeder Information
- Automated Green House Blog:6 - Raspbery Pi and OpenCv the Easy Way
- Automated Green House Blog:7 - Arduino Temperature Compensating Feeder
- Automated Green House Blog:8 - Water Usage
- Automated Green House Blog:8.1 - Water Usage [LCD and Uno]
- Automated Green House Blog:8.2 - Water Meter Calibration
- Automated Green House Blog:9 - Some Generic Arduino Tricks - SRam - UpTime
- Automated Green House Blog:9.1 - Updated uptime counter
- Automated Green House Blog:9.2 - Arduino EEPROM [Has it ever been written]
- Automated Green House Blog:9.3 - Tip for trimming arduino If statement times
- Automated Green House Blog:10 - Three Dollar EC PPM Meter for MCU
- Automated Green House Blog:10.1 - Update Code For Three Dollar EC PPM Meter for MCU
- Automated Green House Blog:10.9 - EC Projects Using Cheap EC Implementation
- Automated Green House Blog:11 - Self Optimising Automated Nutrient Doser
- Automated Green House Blog:11.1 - Self Optimising Automated Nutrient Doser - EC Optimisation
- Automated Green House Blog:12 - Pesticide Doser, Cheap DIY Mister
- Automated Green House Blog:13.1 - PH Delivery, Organic Egg Shell Based [Mech Portion]
- Automated Green House Blog:13.2 - PH Control: Measurement Portion
- Automated Green House Blog:13.3 - PH Control: PH Probe LCD Readout + Gui
- Automated Green House Blog:13.4 - PH Control: PH Probe LCD Readout + Gui + Probe Health Readout
- Automated Green House Blog:13.9 - PH Probe Revival: Ultrasonic Cleaning
- Automated Green House Blog:14 - CO2: Measurement
- Automated Green House Blog:15 - When Things Go Wrong
- Automated Green House Blog:16 - Human Urine and Hydroponics
- Automated Green House Blog:17 - Automated Soil Moisture Measurement
- Automated Green House Blog:17.2 - Prolonging Probe Life
- Automated Green House Blog:18.1 - On-line Data Logging [data.sparkfun]
- Automated Green House Blog:18.2 - Data Logging: SD Card
- Automated Green House Blog:18.3 - On line data Viewer [arduino, Ethernet]
- Automated Green House Blog:18.4 - Combining ALL Three Logs
- Automated Green House Blog:20.1 - Toying with Chemical Analysis - Essential Nutrients
- Automated Green House Blog:20.2 - Toying with Chemical Analysis - pH
- Automated Green Blog:25 - Growing: Planting Seeds and Experimentation
- Automated Green Blog:25.1 - Growing: Transplanting Seedlings
- Automated Green Blog:25.2 - One Month Grow Comparison
- Automated Green Blog:30.1 - Colaboration: Aquaponics LAB
- Automated Green Blog:30.2 - Colaboration: Aquaponics LAB Time Lapse
- Automated Green Blog:30.3 - Collaboration: Vertical Farming Association
- Blog:40.1 - Laser Cut Aquaponics Overview Infographics
- Automated Green House Blog:901 - Honey Extractor Electrification
- Automated Green House Blog: #Competition Summary - November 2015
Arduino Nano
- 1DUltraBot #1 : Getting Started by dubbie
- 1DUltraBot : Part 2 : The Chassis is Moving
- 1DUltraBot #3 : Finished (and working!)
- RoboBobLet #2 : The Basic Chassis by dubbie
- RoboBobLet#3
- RoboBobLet #4 BlueTooth
- RoboBobLet #5 : A Laser RangeFinder
- RoboBobLet #6 The Scanning Laser Rangefinder
- RoboBobLet #7 : Adding a Pixy Camera
- RoboBobLet#8 : The Final Assembly
- JackBox#1 : Gathering Together Some Bits by dubbie
- JackBox#2 : Adding the Lid Opening Mechanism
- JackBox #3 : Opening and Closing the Lid
- JackBox #4 : Some Decoration and LEDs
- JackBox # 5 : Adding Some Festive Sound
- JackBox #6 : The Completed Article
- Tiny24hourMoBot #1 : Starting by dubbie
- Tiny24hourMoBot #2 : 5 Hours in
- Tiny24hourMoBot #3 : 13 hours have passed
- Tiny24hourMoBot #4 : The 24 hours is almost up
- Tiny24hourMoBot #5 : Post Script - Making it even Tinier
- TinyMoBot #6 : The Transparent Version
- TinyMoBot #7 : Using a LiPo Battery
- SuperRobot #1 : Getting Started by dubbie
- SuperRobot #2 : The Wrong Wheels
- SuperRobot # 3 : Motor Drive Interface Now Just About Working
- SuperRobot #4 : Putting it Together
- SuperRobot #5 : The End!
- DC Motor Mobile Robot : With Nano Controller by dubbie
- DC Motor Build #2 : Almost Completed Chassis and First Trials
- DC Motors Mobile Robot : Adding the Battery Container
- DCMotorsMobileRoBot #4 : 3D Printed PCB Holder
- DCMotorsMobileRoBot #5 : The PCBs are Inside the Chassis (But not all the wires are!)
- CatDogFoxBot #1 : My Initial Idea by dubbie
- CatDogFoxBot #2 : System Design and Gathering the Components
- CatDogFoxBot #3 : The Step Motor Scanner is Working
- CatDogFoxBot #4 : GridEye Sensor is Connected and Working
- CatDogFoxBot #5 : Collecting Some Temperature Data
- CatDogFoxBot #6 : Trying out an Artificial Neural Network
- CatDogFoxBot # 7 : GridEye and Artificial Neural Network Combined
- CatDogFox #8 : No Cats but Some Nice Legs
- Light Dependant Resistor Camera LDRCam) by dubbie
- LDR Camera #2 : Adding an 8x8 Dot Matrix LED Display
- LDR Camera #3 : Trying to make a Grey Scale LED matrix Display
- LDR Camera #4 : The BeagleBone AI has Landed
- LDR Camera #5 : A 64-to-4 Analogue Multiplexer
- LDR Camera #6 : Starting to Implement the Whole Camera System
- LDR Camera #7 : 98% Working
- LDR Camera #8 : Fully Working Camera
- LDR Camera #9 : Starting the BeagleBone AI
- LDR Camera #10 : The Artificial Neural Network (SimonnV5)
- Simple Solar BOT ----Blog 1
- Simple Solar BOT ----Blog 2
- Simple Solar BOT ----Blog 3
- Simple Solar BOT ----Blog 4
- Simple Solar BOT Tragedy and Recovery ----Blog 5
- Simple Solar BOT ----Finale
- DMX diagnostic tool - Getting started by genebren
- DMX diagnostic tool - Sending and Receiving Data
- DMX diagnostics tool - Hardware, Software and Mechanical updates
- DMX diagnostics tool - And the wheels come off the bus!
- #NanoRamaCH Перебудова програвача винилових дисків Radiotechnika-EP-001 by vmg_1961
- Project14 | NanoRama: Reconstruction of Elektrotechnika-EP-001 vinyl disc player
- Arduino Hot Plate - What's for dinner? by wolfgangfriedrich
- Arduino Hot Plate (2) - What's for dessert?
Arduino Nano IoT 33
- The specified item was not found. by Sean_Miller
Arduino Nano Sense 33 BLE
- TinyML on Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense - Gesture Recognition by jomoenginer
- TinyML on Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense - Fruit Identification
- BLE on Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense - BlueZ Connect
- BLE on Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense - Flask Remote Control
- TinyML on Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense - Person Detection with BLE
- LEDGrid Display #1 : First Working Display by dubbie
- LEDGrid Display # 2 : The Laser Activated Display
Arduino Leonardo
- tinyMonster AIO Robot (part-1)
- tinyMonster AIO Robot (part-2)
- tinyMonster AIO Robot (part-3)
- tinyMonster AIO Robot (part-4)
- tinyMonster AIO Robot (part-5)
- tinyMonster AIO Robot - RF remote
- ArduTrx - a 2-meter-band ham radio transceiver with Arduino
- ArduTrx Update: Open Source Hardware and professional PCB
- ArduTrx Update: new HF modules and better documentation
- 6.25 Watt Hamradio Dummy Load
Arduino Yun
- Arduino Powered MSE-6 (Mouse Droid)
- Arduino Powered MSE-6 (Mouse Droid) - Arduino Yun UI
- Arduino Powered MSE-6 (Mouse Droid) - Arduino Uno and FreeRTOS
- Arduino Powered MSE-6 (Mouse Droid) - Droid in Action
- Arduino Powered MSE-6 (Mouse Droid) – Arduino Code
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Disaster strikes the Enchanted Cottage by Workshopshed
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Remodelling the Enchanted Cottage
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Matilda is not happy
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - The Woodcutter and the Blacksmith
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Back on the straight and narrow
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Yum Yum Yun at the Enchanted Cottage
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Channels and a special delivery to the Enchanted Cottage
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - The snake, the troll and the fighting dwarves
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - The flaming postman, the blind man and a trip to the market
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - The Blue Haired Woman and Off Grid Living
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Hans meets "Injector"
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Farmer Hogg and the Lockity Gowan
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Taming the Python
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - The Glowing Golem and shiny battery box
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Sleeping Golem
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - The townsfolk get Rickrolled
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - This is not the WiFi you are looking for
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - An unexpected visitor to the Enchanted Cottage
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Knock Knock
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - The Crystal Cave
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Turn on and offable
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Windows 10
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - The Lode Stone
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - A tale of two bridges
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Locking the doors
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Tools
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - How much!?
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Painting, top panel and new magnet carriers
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - System Overview
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Python Start, Python Stop
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Planning and Building
- Enchanted Objects Design Challenge - Testing
- The Magic Lamp by RParkerE
- Wish One Was Granted
- The Genie Gives A Tour Of His House
- As The Sunsets...
- Genie Update
- And The Lamp Begins To Look Brighter
- Genie Lamp [Update]
- The Genie Built A..............Shed?
- The Genie's Day Brightens
- The Weekend Proved Productive
- The Genie Takes A Hiatus
- The Lamp Has Been Completed
- Quick Update
- The Genie Makes A Grand Exit
- Happy Easter! by crjeder
- Identifying Keys
- Smart Key Hooks Client
- Debuging the I2C to 1-Wire Bridge
- Revising the Communication Protocoll
- Heat up the Soldering-Iron
- My Adventures with SAMA5D4 Xplained
- Next Road Block
- Planing the Final Spurt
- Generating a Mysterious Signal
- Use WS2812B on the SAMA5D4 Xplained
- More Datasheet Studying
- Thoughts on Privacy
- Using the RGB LED Lighting Shield on SAMA5D4 Xplained
- Finalisation
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 1: Perpetuum Ebner Musical 1 by Jan Cumps
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 2: A Time to Kill and a Time to Heal
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 3: Preparation for Motor Drive
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 4: Motor control with Infineon Motor Shield and Arduino UNO
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 5: Turntable speed sample testbed with Arduino UNO
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 6: Turntable Speed Sensor design
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 7: Control Theory - End of Chapter 1
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 8: Digital Light Organ Enchantment
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 9: Autonomous Servo Lift
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 10: SMD Time - Solder the IR Speed Sensor PCB
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 11: Yelp - who can Help me to Compile and Run my First SAMA5D4 C Program
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 12: Son et Lumiere - End of Chapter 2
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 13: Breakthrough - Run my own C++ Program on the SAMA5D4
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 14: Digital Light Organ Input Buffer
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 15: SAMA5D4 Blinky
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 16: Scope Creep
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 17: Audio Sampling with 16-bit ADC ADS8343
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 18: Sending Files to SAMA5D4 over USB
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 19: Port my Light Organ from Arduino to SAMA5D4
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 20: Fast Fourier Transform on the SAMA5D4 - End of Chapter 3
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 21: Right-Sizing my Plans
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 22: My Own C++ Buffered Sampler on the SAMA5D4
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - Interlude
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 23: Building In the Motorized Light Organ
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 24: Up to the Clouds with Yún
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 25: Publish or Perish
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - 26: Turntable Finished
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - Bonus 1a: Remote Light Organ with WiFI pt. 1
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - Bonus 1b: Remote Light Organ with WiFI pt. 2
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - Grande Finale: Paho MQTT Client on the SAMA5D4
- 1958 Turntable from the Black Forest - Summary of the Enchanted Player Story
- MagicHat - 01 - Introduction by amgalbu
- MagicHat - 2 - Temperature sensor
- MagicHat - 3 - Accelerometer
- MagicHat - 4 - Heart beat sensor
- MagicHat - 5 - Blood pressure sensor
- MagicHat - 6 - Heart beat detection
- MagicHat - 7 - Force Sensing Resistor
- MagicHat - 8 - Arduino Yun
- MagicHat - 9 - Building the hat
- MagicHat - 10 - Blood pressure measurement
- MagicHat - 11 - Two brains are better than one
- MagicHat - 12 - Web interface
- MagicHat - 13 - Web interface
- MagicHat - 14 - Blood pressure measurement
- MagicHat - 15 - Let's MagicHat speak
- MagicHat - 16 - Let's MagicHat speak (2)
- MagicHat - 17 - Systolic and diastolic pressure
- MagicHat - 18 - The mouth
- 19 - MagicHat first words
- MagicHat - 20 - Adding wisdom
- MagicHat - 21 - Building the hat
- MagicHat - 22 - Securing everything up
- MagicHat- 23 - Conclusions
- MagicHat - 24 - Bonus post
- Multimeter inbox 1: The idea by kidiccurus
- Multimeter Inbox 2: First Experiments
- Multimeter Inbox 3 - Prototyping Hardware
- Inbox multimeter 4 - Final assembly and code
- Inbox Multimeter - Evaluation
- Enchanted Objects - Enchanted Clock (Introduction) by dwinhold
- Enchanted Objects - Enchanted Clock (Post #1)
- Enchanted Objects - Enchanted Clock #2
- Enchanted Objects - Enchanted Clock (#3)
- Enchanted Objects - Enchanted Clock (4)
- Enchanted Obects - Enchanted Clock (Part 5)
- Enchanted Objects - Enchanted Clock (#6) "Its got a name!!"
- Enchanted Objects - Enchanted Clock #7 - Voice recognition
- Enchanted Objects - Enchanted Clock #8 (Chrystals Update)
- Enchanted Objects - Enchanted Clock #9 (Chrystal's Update #2)
- Enchanted Objects - Enchanted Clock (Final Update)
- Enchanted Objects - Enchanted Clock (Video's)
Arduino Due
Arduino 101
Arduino Micro
- Raspberry Pi and Arduino I2C Communication
- Creating Multi-Purpose I2C Devices with Arduino for use with a Raspberry Pi
- Simple Arduino DC Motor Control with Encoder, Part 2
- The Learning Circuit 19: Add an LCD to Your Arduino Project Part 1 by daftmike
- The Learning Circuit 20: Add an LCD to Your Arduino Project Part 2
Arduino Mini
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